Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Benefits of breadfruit

Benefits of breadfruit. Breadfruit is one plant that can be consumed as a source of carbohydrate. Even before the archipelago known rice, they are already making use of breadfruit as a staple food.

Breadfruit trees to grow large if suda have a huge appearance. Even the height can reach about 20-40 meters, vertical main stem. In addition, the appearance of the breadfruit tree is very beautiful and graceful, so that I have ever seen this plant deliberately planted in front of elite housing.

benefit of breadfruit
Benefits of breadfruit plants as natural medicines
Breadfruit has many advantages, namely: protein content of fresh breadfruit is higher than the cassava, as well as carbohydrates, higher than the yams or potatoes, and in the form of flour, nutritional value is roughly equivalent to the rice.

Benefits of breadfruit can be used as an option in low-calorie diet, considering the calorie content breadfruit lower than rice, but it has vitamins and minerals that are more complete. Besides high fiber content is good enough for the digestive system.

Other parts of the breadfruit plants that have been known to be extremely beneficial to humans is the seeds, flowers and leaves. In Melanesia and New Guinea the seeds can be roasted or boiled like a chestnut. The flowers can be mixed as a medicine to cure a toothache that is the way baked and then rubbed on the teeth sore gums.

The leaves can be used for other than animal feed, can also be mixed into drugs. In western India, herb leaves are believed to lower blood pressure and relieve asthma. The leaves are crushed placed on the tongue to treat canker sores. Lemon juice leaves are even used for ear drops.

Besides ash leaves can be used to treat skin infections. Powder from the roasted leaves are used to treat a swollen spleen. Plant sap used to treat skin diseases. While the sap is added water when taken to treat diarrhea.

As usual confectionary snacks breadfruit breadfruit processed into chips. It was unique and tasty if you already made this breadfruit chips. Or you can just boil it better just to make it more natural.

That's a little elaboration on the benefits of breadfruit as a natural remedy. Hopefully helpful!

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