Sunday, August 21, 2011

Staying Healthy in Body Fat

This is good news for those who have a fat body posture. A recent study revealed that not all fat people must work hard to lose weight because they might be able to stay healthy even though his body fat.

Canadian study indicates, they are obese but do not have complications (illness), can live as long as individuals are not obese. In fact, obesity is known as a factor that can increase the risk of various complications of the disease.

Staying Healthy in Body Fat
"This illustration (research) can not apply to all individuals who are obese. We must see first whether they (who are obese) had additional risk factors that indicate poor health to determine if they should lose weight or not," said Jennifer Kuk, who is also an assistant research professor at York University, Toronto.

In his research, Kuk analyzed data about 6,000 obese patients who visit health clinics in Dallas in the period between 1987 and 2001. Participants examined by a doctor if experiencing complications illnesses and were interviewed about physical activity, intake of fruits and vegetables, as well as slimming efforts.

The results showed that patients who were categorized as level 2 or 3, there were 1.6 times higher risk of dying due to diverse causes, and 2 times more prevalent risk of dying from cardiovascular disease than individuals with normal weight.

However, patients who were categorized as 0 or 1 had no difference in risk of death than people with normal weight. In fact, they are categorized as 0 or a lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease than those with normal weight.

They are categorized as 0 and 1 is an individual who is more physically active and more frequent eating fruits and vegetables compared to category 2 and 3 patients. Patient category 0 or 1 also tended to be less involved in dieting or slimming program.

According to the Kuk, undergoing slimming program would pose a risk to health when the body back into shape or also known as "yo-yo dieting". The fact also shows that the yo-yo dieting may be more unhealthy for some obese patients compared to those who are able to maintain her weight.

"Most of those who lost weight eventually get fat again, even the increase can be larger than the amount removed (weight), and it is risky for health," said Kuk.

Researchers are now developing a scale system that can help doctors determine which obese patients who would benefit from weight-loss program.

Meanwhile Dr. Pieter Cohen, assistant professor of medicine from Harvard University and an expert in internal medicine at Cambridge Health Alliance says it is not impossible for those who are overweight or obese to healthy living. But he said the study was still too early to try to deduce which individuals benefit from weight loss.

"Even if we identify indiividu where the risk of complications from obesity, it remains unclear whether weight loss will reduce the risk of death," he said

To get a clearer answer, Cohen suggested the researchers randomly selected obese people to lose or maintain weight and apply a healthy lifestyle. Then see which group experienced improvements in the quality of healthcare.

Kuk confirms also that the results of this study do not suggest that obesity for free to gain weight. "Instead, this study shows that to maintain weight, eat right and exercise, in the long run, better than trying to lose weight," said Kuk.

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