Saturday, August 27, 2011

Triggers and how to avoid cancer

Cancer is a disease caused by single cells that grow abnormally and uncontrollably. So it can be a malignant tumor that can destroy and damage healthy cells or tissue.

Cancer is one type of disease that is feared by many people, so it helps us to prevent cancer rather than treat it. At this writing will be given a more detailed explanation of cancer.

A. The Things That Likes Cancer / Cancer Foods

Cancer will grow and flourish if the intake of substances obtained from foods or activities such as the following:

1. Too much coffee, cocoa and tea contain caffeine high. High levels of caffeine drinks can be replaced by drinking green tea fight cancer or to drink water / mineral water only.

2. Sweet like sugar and artificial sweeteners preferred by cancer and can damage health when consumed do not comply with the limits. We recommend that in everyday life do not have a lot of consumption of foods and beverages that contain sugar. Sugar can be replaced with pure honey or molasses.

3. Avoid using table salt to food and beverages we and you should use only sea salt and also make sure that we use sea salt contains iodine as well as clean and hygienic to have good quality.

4. Be careful with the drinking animal milk can produce mucous substance which is very unpopular cancer so that it would be better to replace the consumption of animal milk with vegetable milk derived from plants such as soy milk. Although it seems impossible for you not bad, but soy milk is very rich in nutrients nutrients for our bodies.

5. For those of you who like to eat red meat should begin to be limited because they contain high levels of acids that are favored by cancer cells. Sometimes the meat we eat can also contain harmful things like growth hormones, antibiotic residues, parasites etc. are all detrimental to the health of our bodies.

B. Tips on How to Avoid Attacks Cancer

The following general tips are hard and heavy to be run entirely due to environmental conditions around us and our emotions are less supportive to be free of cancer. site will try to explain to you.

1. Avoid stress, sadness, pessimism, depression, and others that are negative and change your mental konsisi be positive as a stress-free, optimistic, happy, proactive, and others. Negative inner brush can increase the body's acid levels are preferably cancer.

2. Run a healthy diet to maintain ideal body weight where there is a match between weight to height. If you need to live just a vegetarian diet is a diet that relies on natural vegetable intake of nutrients such as nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits.

3. Consider the food we eat and beverages we drink every day. High-fiber foods beverages, containing a green vegetable, chemical-free and low in animal fat will help us to combat and prevent cancer cells that do us harm.

4. Food prepared by fire and smoked contain many free radicals that trigger cancer. Should multiply the processing of food by boiling. For the vegetables should not be cooked too long so that nutrients are not much damaged by heat.

5. Limit the use of sugar and salt in our food and beverages because it is basically something that is excessive is not good. Change from a sense of our tastes bland / tasteless, salty and sweet for bitter and sour. Do not also lots of mixing chemicals in our food.

6. Eat a substance that can prevent or fight cancer is good for our body such as vitamin A, vitamin C, green tea, and others that contain antioxidants. Too many vitamins and other substances was not good for our bodies, so we must continue to pay attention to our nutritional limitation in order not to lack or excess.

7. Change the pattern of our lives for the better by not using drugs, not smoking, not drinking alcohol is harmful to health. Just change those bad habits with good like eating vegetables or fresh fruit and clean.

8. With regular exercise then our bodies will be rich in oxygen is very unpopular because cancer is cancer that does not much like the host's oxygen.

9. Keep the state of our environment from the problems that lead to cancer as a polluted air pollution can be stockpiled substances such as smoke-free radicals and dust. Other pollution can make us stress that also trigger the growth of cancer cells.

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