Sunday, August 21, 2011

Side effects of low blood pressure

Side effects of low blood pressure. Low blood pressure or hypotension occurs when blood pressure is lower than usual, which means the heart, brain and other body parts are not getting enough blood.

Side effects of low blood pressure. Typically, a person referred to suffer from hypotension when blood pressure below 90/60 mmHg. But it does not apply to everyone. There are people who are always low normal blood pressure and did not feel impaired. Meanwhile, there are people that the blood pressure above that level and experience problems of hypotension. The most important factor is the change in blood pressure than normal conditions. Normal human blood pressure in the range of 90/60 to 130/80 mm Hg, but a significant decrease, even only 20 mm Hg, can cause problems for some people.

Types of Hypotension
There are three main types of hypotension:

Orthostatic hypotension. Orthostatic hypotension caused by sudden changes in body position, usually when switching from lying to standing, and usually only lasts a few seconds or minutes. This type of hypotension can also occur after eating and often suffered by older people, people with high blood pressure and people with Parkinson's disease.

Neural mediated hypotension (NMH in the English abbreviation). NMH most often affects young adults and children and occurs when a person has been standing for a long time.
Acute hypotension due to blood loss suddenly (shock)

Symptoms of Hypotension

Symptoms of low blood pressure, among others (Side effects of low blood pressure):
  • Blurred vision
  • Confusion
  • Fainting
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Limp

Causes of hypotension
The cause of hypotension varies partly because:
  • Dehydration.
  • Side effects of drugs like alcohol, anxiolytic, some antidepressants, diuretics, drugs for high blood pressure and coronary heart disease, analgesic.
  • Heart problems such as changes in heart rhythm (arrhythmia), heart attack, heart failure.
  • Emotional shock, such as shock caused by severe infection, stroke, anaphylaxis (life-threatening allergic reactions and severe trauma.
  • Bleeding, etc.. You are strongly advised to consult with a physician or a specialist if often unconscious or hypotension interfere with your quality of life.
  • Diabetes advanced

  • Hypotension in healthy people who do not pose a problem usually requires no treatment.
  • If you have signs or symptoms of low blood pressure, you may need treatment, which depends on the cause.
  • If orthostatic hypotension caused by medicines, your doctor may change the dose or giving different drugs. Do not stop taking medications before consulting with a physician. Other treatments for orthostatic hypotension include the addition of fluids to treat dehydration or wearing elastic hose to boost blood pressure in the lower body.
  • Those who suffer from hypotension types of NMH should avoid triggers, such as standing for a long time. Another treatment involves drinking lots of fluids and increase the amount of salt in the diet. (This treatment should be on the recommendation of a doctor because too much salt can also be hazardous to health).
  • Acute hypotension caused by shock is a medical emergency. You may be given intravenous blood transfusions, medication for blood pressure and improve heart strength, as well as other drugs such as antibiotics.

Some Tips for Patients with Hypotension
  • Many women with hypotension who has a very low level of iron because menstruation very much. Ask for specialist advice when needed blood booster supplement.
  • Fall is very dangerous for the elderly because it can make the injury and other complications of fractures. Always accompany your parents who suffer from severe hypotension.
  • If you feel the symptoms of decreased blood pressure, you should immediately sit or lie down and lift your legs above heart height.
  • If low blood pressure causes a person to faint, immediately look for medical care. If the person is not breathing, immediately do rescue breathing assistance.

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