Monday, August 1, 2011

Natural Healthy Ways to Lose Weight

Today, we meet a lot of slimming drugs are sold freely on the market. Not only intended to womanhood, but also the adam. And not a few others who have spent money to buy medicine slimming the body.

Indeed many were successful in a short time. But, what you've noticed in the health of our organs? Not visible from the outside, but very vital. Any medications, it is packaged, it must contain the chemical. These chemicals was aggravating the liver, as a filter toxins into the body.

If there is a more secure, easy, healthy, natural way to lose weight, why should we punish our internal organs.

Well, the following Healthy Way to Lose Weight Naturally. Interestingly, the tips below do not apply only to the girls, but also the boys.

1. Consumption of fresh green tea

Substances contained in green tea are able to stabilize, even to suppress the production of fat in the body. If consumed regularly, in one month can already see the results. In addition, green tea contains antioxidants that can protect skin from free radicals. If consumed regularly, the skin becomes smoother and fresher.

The trick>> 2 teaspoons brewed green tea leaves with a cup of hot water. Wait until completely cool drink in the morning and afternoon.

2. Avoid staying up late and get up in the morning

Avoid staying up late, because the calorie-burning hormones to work well if you sleep, not staying up. And try to get up early every day. Wake up in the morning is believed to awaken your positive aura, so the calorie-burning hormones to work optimally. Grateful if you take advantage of a few minutes with your morning jogging or calisthenics.

3. Reduce snacking

Maybe this is difficult, but this is just what the main factor why your weight does not go down well. While you do not eat rice all day, if you keep snacking. Then your diet will be useless

4. Consumption of fruit, at least once a day

Do not be lazy to eat the fruit, anything goes at least once a day. Adjust to your taste. Fruit contains fiber, vitamins, and water that accelerates the process of digestion. If gastrointestinal smooth, then the abdominal fat will not accumulate.

5. Include vegetables in your menu

Also do not be lazy to eat vegetables. Any vegetable that you can customize to your taste.

6. Sport

I myself lazy when told to exercise. But in fact, by jogging every morning, my weight down as much as 3kg for two weeks. Of course my five tips above also apply. For those of you who are busy, try at least sports, whatever it is, 2 times a week. For a super busy week in the morning might be a good time to exercise.

7. Reduce oily food and bersantan

Cuisine desert is one example of greasy food and bersantan. Delicious indeed, but not too often take it if you seriously want to lose weight. You can keep taking it. But give limits on yourself. For example once a week, or three times a month.

8. Discipline

This is the key to success. Not only in terms of losing weight, but all things. If you are disciplined, running tips that I wrote above

No attempt is fruitless. Provided you follow the tips you gave me above, your dreams will come true. Not only the weight down, but also healthy.

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