Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Lifestyle that robs our sleep

One morning you wake up from sleep with the tiredness and fatigue. Last night, for some reason you spend a lot of time back and forth across the bed without being able to fall asleep. It may take up to 2 hours, then sleeping a dream. In fact, the day before you went through with a busy and tiring. People who are tired of easy sleep should not it?

Apparently not. In addition to stress, many other factors that affect our sleep process. Here are some habits or lifestyle can prolong wakefulness:

Lifestyle that robs our sleep
1. Stimulants

Some people think that by drinking alcohol would make it easier to sleep. It is true, but so sleep effects of alcohol actually makes sleep is not deep. As a result, one becomes poor sleep quality. While caffeinated drinks had already become the daily drink. Quite often, many people rely on caffeine to sustain its productivity.

In fact, caffeine is only going to get rid of drowsiness without increasing the ability of the brain. The best way is to set the actual sleep and caffeine consumption patterns. Caffeine will work for 9-15 hours in our bodies. For that, limit their consumption of up to 12-15 hours before bedtime. Drinks that contain caffeine include coffee, tea, cola and various energy drinks.

2. Sports

Exercise at night has also become a habit urban communities. Whether it was waiting for traffic, or by reason of busy, lots of new people had time to exercise at night. Though distance and exercise time completed an ideal bed is 3 hours. With exercise does your body will feel tired, but adrenaline will increase. Adrenaline will make us more awake. Consequently, although the body feels tired, as if the brain would not stop to rest.

The sport has become an important factor for maintaining the health and appearance. But exercise alone did not guarantee a person's health. In accordance with the concept of The Triumvirate of Health, to achieve perfect health, it takes three essential components, namely physical fitness (exercise), the balance of nutrition and healthy sleep. Healthy sleep will also increase productivity.

3. Sleep Habits

Good sleep habits will ensure a comfortable sleep. Get used to sleep at the same time. Thus, you have to set biological clocks to rest. Once accustomed, sleep will come by itself at these hours. In contrast, irregular sleep hours will disrupt your sleep patterns.

Sleeping without preparation will take away sleep. Ready to sleep not just sleepy. Ready to sleep is sleepy and relaxed. Though many people for the sake of productivity, would like to continue working until sleepiness unbearable. As a result, they feel tired without being able to close my eyes.

Half an hour or fifteen minutes before bed, remove all the work and activities that are too busy eyes and mind. Television included. Then do a fun and relaxing activity. Just read or perform skin care. After feeling quite relaxed and sleepy, then climbed into bed.

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