Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cancer Throat / Throat Cancer

As the news was crowded discussed about the throat cancer that befell a British artist Adele Laurie Blue Adkins of throat cancer, but Adele and then deny it, but we will try to discuss about throat cancer, not the news that struck Adele, just a rumor ....

Let us start peel on throat cancer.

Throat cancer is cancer found in the throat or vocal cords. Throat is a channel that starts from the back of the nose and ends at the neck. Vocal cords are located only slightly below the throat.

Vocal cords are composed of cartilage membrane that vibrates to the sound makes the sound when you speak. Cancer of the throat can also occur in the epiglottis cartilage that serves as a lid to channel wind down your throat.

Signs and symptoms of throat cancer include:

• Cough
• Changes in voice
• Difficult to swallow
• Pain in the ear
• A lump that can not be cured
• Lump in the throat
• Weight loss

Causes & Risk Factors

Throat cancer occurs when cells in the throat with mutations. This mutation causes the cells to grow uncontrolled and continue living after normal cells die. The accumulation of these cells can form tumors in the throat.

It is unclear what causes throat cancer. But doctors have to know what factors can increase the risk.

This type of throat cancer include:
• Nasopharyngeal cancer occurs in the nasopharynx - the throat behind the ear.
• Oropharyngeal cancer occurs in the oropharynx - the throat behind the mouth.
• Hypopharyngeal cancer (laryngopharyngeal cancer) occurred in the hypopharynx (laryngopharynx) - the bottom of the throat, just above the esophagus and wind channels.
• Glottic cancer occurs in membrane noise
• Supraglottic cancer occurs at the top of the larynx and includes cancer that attacks the epiglottis, where most of the cartilage that holds the food into the throat.
• Subglottic cancer occurs in the bottom of the vocal cords, below the membrane noise.

Risk factors
Factors that may increase the risk of throat cancer include:
• Smoking and chewing tobacco
• Use of alcohol to excess
• Lack of dental hygiene
• HPV Virus
• Foods low in fruits and vegetables
• Exposure to asbestos fibers

There is no way to prevent throat cancers occur. But you can reduce risk by:
• Do not smoke
• Do not consume alcohol
• Eating fruits and vegetables
• Use personal protection from chemical substances in the environment around

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