Friday, November 4, 2011

Malnutrition Causes Decreased intelligence

NUTRITION worse in children not only disrupt their physical development and health, also affected the decrease in the level of intelligence. If allowed to happen, whose name was lost generation could no longer inevitable.

Malnutrition is associated with the level of intelligence or so-called intelligence quotient (IQ). Lack of certain nutrients affect the level of intelligence of children. Child malnutrition will usually decrease IQ by 11-13 points.

Worse, these conditions can not be fixed anytime soon because the most rapid brain development takes place only up to a two year old.

Malnutrition can obviously inhibit physical growth and brain optimally. Entering the age when children start school, usually he will look lethargic, cranky, lazy school, difficult to understand and remember the lessons, and often absent from school due to illness. In addition, children of poor nutrition will be left behind the development and intelligence than other children. The child also has the potential to be thin and very short. If you have this and no steps to fix it, would create a generation of low-quality unproductive and unable to compete in the future. Even this generation could have been social and economic burden for the family or society.

Malnutrition can be caused by two things. First, the lack of intake of foods of high nutritional value. Second, the occurrence of diseases that lead to infection causing damage to several organ function. This resulted in organ damage can not absorb nutrients properly. Only, for the case in Indonesia, general malnutrition caused by lack of nutritious food intake. The reason could be because of poverty and lack of parental knowledge about nutrition.

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