Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fruit is efficacious for Skin Health

Fruit is a panacea for human health. The fruit is also beneficial for skin health women. Instead you even bother to pay extra to a dermatologist and a waste of time using skin creams tend to contain chemicals, it would be nice to try these fruits to get your skin glowing again.

Bananas are a source of iron, magnesium and potassium and can help reduce menstrual pain. Given effect to the health of banana skin also not be underestimated. Bananas are rich in vitamins A, B and E and that's why bananas work as an anti aging agent. Facial using mashed banana can help brighten your skin.

Fruits are rich in vitamin C. This will make your skin to be beautiful. A glass of warm water with a teaspoon of honey and a little squeeze of lemon juice, turned out to be a good face cleanser every morning. A chemical substance found in lemons also helps to lighten dark skin color and reduce acne scars. Rub lemon peel on the inside of your elbow to remove a dark stain. In addition, mix honey and lemon as a natural bleach on your skin.

Just like lemons, oranges are also rich in vitamin C which increases skin texture and helps reduce skin blemishes. Such as apples, oranges also contain collagen, which slows the aging process. Rub the inside of an orange on your skin to tighten the skin. Oranges can be dried and a powder that can be used as a natural scrub.

Benefits of papaya in the skin has been known since the time of our ancestors. Papaya is rich in antioxidants and contains a special enzyme, called papain, which can kill the dead cells and skin menbersihkan of dirt. Or just a glass of milk papaya papaya flesh into your skin can cause wonders for your skin.

This soft fleshy fruit has a tremendous effect on the skin. Rich in vitamin A and antioxidants that help fight the aging of the skin, regenerate skin cells and restores skin becomes elastic.

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