Monday, August 29, 2011

Natural herbal remedies for gout

One of gout herbal medicine is herbal medicine plants sidaguri. Sidaguri herb is widely used for herbal remedies because the chemical properties of gout which is owned by the herb is especially good for gout herbal treatment. Before we mix traditional ingredients, let's get acquainted in advance with sidaguri.

Sidaguri (Sida rhombifolia Linn or Sida retusa Linn.) Sidaguri grows wild in the street, lawns, woods, fields, and places with bright sunshine or a little sheltered. These plants are scattered in tropical regions around the world from the lowlands to 1450 m above sea level.

Well, here's how to make traditional herbal medicinal concoction of gout by using herbal plants sidaguri.

30 grams of dried root sidaguri + 30 grams of earrings and their roots, boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, filtered, water is taken after a cold.

For high gout: Five root stem, wash, cut small and boiled with 2 cups water to a boil, pour the following to cups roots and close all night, drunk the next day before breakfast. boiled again for the afternoon.

How to Make Natural Stomach Pain Medication

If you suffer from abdominal pain and not found chemical drugs, you can use turmeric as an stomach medicine that is very effective, it can even be made easily without requiring a lot of cost. Although naturally without harmful side effects, you should still try to sent to the doctor if not improved.

How to Make Natural Stomach Pain Medication From Turmeric:

1. Prepare the turmeric rhizome and approximately 20 grams of peeled and cleaned with clean water.

2. Grated turmeric in and give a couple of tablespoons of warm water, stirring until evenly distributed, then squeeze the water.

3. Mix with honey or tamarind to taste and can also be given sugar to sweet and not eneg according to taste.

4. Turmeric Herbal remedy against sore stomach ready to drink.

Good luck good luck, if no progress your favorite contact your doctor. Thank you.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Traditional medicine of low blood

One more, these herbs are efficacious enough to treat low blood. Low blood following traditional medicine uses herbal ingredients turmeric.

Traditional medicine of low blood
Condition you must consume this herbal drink regularly and consistently until you recover. Okay, you have to provide material that is saffron, chicken egg yolk, honey and wine.

How to make, turmeric grated and sprinkled a little water and squeezed. Shake chicken eggs, then mix with turmeric juice, add honey and wine. Drink this mixture regularly 2 times a day.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

7 foods exterminator breast cancer cells

From some research, found a lot of natural foods that contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory that works to overcome free radicals that settle in the body. Foods that meant of course dominated by foods naturally (without being processed). One of the functions of anti-inflammatory foods / antioxidants is to prevent even the treatment of cancer.

One of the most feared cancer (especially by women) is breast cancer. Associated with breast cancer, there are seven food (either vegetable or fruit) is touted by the researchers as an antioxidant / antiinflammatory best, namely:

1. tomatoes
Lycopene contained in tomatoes is an antioxidant that has been proven to fight against breast cancer cells, cervical, ovarian, and prostate. Elements contained in tomato sauce, soy sauce, or pasta is even better because it implies more concentration.

2. Berry
Family berries (blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries) are antioxidants that contain anthocyanins are shown to kill breast cancer cells.

3. tea
Both green tea and black tea contains catechins may inhibit the progression of breast cancer cells.

4. spinach green
Spinach is one of the most nutritious green vegetables. Lutein and vitamin E contained in green spinach is known to prevent breast cancer, liver cancer, colon, ovarian, and prostate, as well as several other types of cancers.

5. garlic
Certain substance in garlic can fight breast cancer cells, stomach, and esophagus. To obtain an optimal anticancer content, do not be too long to cook the garlic.

6. apple
Apples contain quercetin that can fight breast cancer cells, lung, and prostate. We recommend that you eat with the skin.

7. pumpkin
Contains fallow-carotene may protect DNA of cells in the body.

Triggers and how to avoid cancer

Cancer is a disease caused by single cells that grow abnormally and uncontrollably. So it can be a malignant tumor that can destroy and damage healthy cells or tissue.

Cancer is one type of disease that is feared by many people, so it helps us to prevent cancer rather than treat it. At this writing will be given a more detailed explanation of cancer.

A. The Things That Likes Cancer / Cancer Foods

Cancer will grow and flourish if the intake of substances obtained from foods or activities such as the following:

1. Too much coffee, cocoa and tea contain caffeine high. High levels of caffeine drinks can be replaced by drinking green tea fight cancer or to drink water / mineral water only.

2. Sweet like sugar and artificial sweeteners preferred by cancer and can damage health when consumed do not comply with the limits. We recommend that in everyday life do not have a lot of consumption of foods and beverages that contain sugar. Sugar can be replaced with pure honey or molasses.

3. Avoid using table salt to food and beverages we and you should use only sea salt and also make sure that we use sea salt contains iodine as well as clean and hygienic to have good quality.

4. Be careful with the drinking animal milk can produce mucous substance which is very unpopular cancer so that it would be better to replace the consumption of animal milk with vegetable milk derived from plants such as soy milk. Although it seems impossible for you not bad, but soy milk is very rich in nutrients nutrients for our bodies.

5. For those of you who like to eat red meat should begin to be limited because they contain high levels of acids that are favored by cancer cells. Sometimes the meat we eat can also contain harmful things like growth hormones, antibiotic residues, parasites etc. are all detrimental to the health of our bodies.

B. Tips on How to Avoid Attacks Cancer

The following general tips are hard and heavy to be run entirely due to environmental conditions around us and our emotions are less supportive to be free of cancer. site will try to explain to you.

1. Avoid stress, sadness, pessimism, depression, and others that are negative and change your mental konsisi be positive as a stress-free, optimistic, happy, proactive, and others. Negative inner brush can increase the body's acid levels are preferably cancer.

2. Run a healthy diet to maintain ideal body weight where there is a match between weight to height. If you need to live just a vegetarian diet is a diet that relies on natural vegetable intake of nutrients such as nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits.

3. Consider the food we eat and beverages we drink every day. High-fiber foods beverages, containing a green vegetable, chemical-free and low in animal fat will help us to combat and prevent cancer cells that do us harm.

4. Food prepared by fire and smoked contain many free radicals that trigger cancer. Should multiply the processing of food by boiling. For the vegetables should not be cooked too long so that nutrients are not much damaged by heat.

5. Limit the use of sugar and salt in our food and beverages because it is basically something that is excessive is not good. Change from a sense of our tastes bland / tasteless, salty and sweet for bitter and sour. Do not also lots of mixing chemicals in our food.

6. Eat a substance that can prevent or fight cancer is good for our body such as vitamin A, vitamin C, green tea, and others that contain antioxidants. Too many vitamins and other substances was not good for our bodies, so we must continue to pay attention to our nutritional limitation in order not to lack or excess.

7. Change the pattern of our lives for the better by not using drugs, not smoking, not drinking alcohol is harmful to health. Just change those bad habits with good like eating vegetables or fresh fruit and clean.

8. With regular exercise then our bodies will be rich in oxygen is very unpopular because cancer is cancer that does not much like the host's oxygen.

9. Keep the state of our environment from the problems that lead to cancer as a polluted air pollution can be stockpiled substances such as smoke-free radicals and dust. Other pollution can make us stress that also trigger the growth of cancer cells.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

How do I lose weight safely?

Obesity in addition can be made ​​unattractive appearance can also interfere with the move. Also invites the emergence of various diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease.

World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that there are 1.6 billion people in the world (age above 15 years) who have excessive body weight. At least, 400 million people worldwide are classified as obese. Meanwhile, about 20 million children under 5 years of age have excess body weight.

Many people try diets. But sometimes over-exert yourself. Though losing weight that way could endanger health. Then how do I lose weight safely?

Will go down a little bit safer. Than in a short time succeeded in losing weight dramatically, but the impact but not good for health, body weight can come back again become fatter.

Gradual weight loss of 5-10 percent would be beneficial to the body. Memperbaikai can help control blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, sleep disorders such as snoring and arthritis due to obesity.

Obese patients is not recommended for jogging. They are also required to frequently drink water before, during and after exercise and during exercise using a thin clothing.

When the sporting event of palpitations, chest pain and other complaints better short break, and avoid eating greasy foods. Since 1 tablespoon of the oil may contain 90 calories.

Weight loss is safe for the body should only be reduced from 0.5 to 1 pounds of body weight per week, or 2-4 pounds of weight per month.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Eliminating smoking tips

How do I eliminate the smoking habit naturally? Are there any herbal cheap and not difficult for me to get?
There. You just eat 2-3 medium sized carrots every day. Do this for 2-3 weeks.

Good luck with these tips.

Benefits of breadfruit

Benefits of breadfruit. Breadfruit is one plant that can be consumed as a source of carbohydrate. Even before the archipelago known rice, they are already making use of breadfruit as a staple food.

Breadfruit trees to grow large if suda have a huge appearance. Even the height can reach about 20-40 meters, vertical main stem. In addition, the appearance of the breadfruit tree is very beautiful and graceful, so that I have ever seen this plant deliberately planted in front of elite housing.

benefit of breadfruit
Benefits of breadfruit plants as natural medicines
Breadfruit has many advantages, namely: protein content of fresh breadfruit is higher than the cassava, as well as carbohydrates, higher than the yams or potatoes, and in the form of flour, nutritional value is roughly equivalent to the rice.

Benefits of breadfruit can be used as an option in low-calorie diet, considering the calorie content breadfruit lower than rice, but it has vitamins and minerals that are more complete. Besides high fiber content is good enough for the digestive system.

Other parts of the breadfruit plants that have been known to be extremely beneficial to humans is the seeds, flowers and leaves. In Melanesia and New Guinea the seeds can be roasted or boiled like a chestnut. The flowers can be mixed as a medicine to cure a toothache that is the way baked and then rubbed on the teeth sore gums.

The leaves can be used for other than animal feed, can also be mixed into drugs. In western India, herb leaves are believed to lower blood pressure and relieve asthma. The leaves are crushed placed on the tongue to treat canker sores. Lemon juice leaves are even used for ear drops.

Besides ash leaves can be used to treat skin infections. Powder from the roasted leaves are used to treat a swollen spleen. Plant sap used to treat skin diseases. While the sap is added water when taken to treat diarrhea.

As usual confectionary snacks breadfruit breadfruit processed into chips. It was unique and tasty if you already made this breadfruit chips. Or you can just boil it better just to make it more natural.

That's a little elaboration on the benefits of breadfruit as a natural remedy. Hopefully helpful!

Benefits the fruit soursop for alternative medicine

Benefits the fruit soursop for alternative medicine is no doubt. Soursop in addition to herbal treatment of diseases such as hemorrhoid, pain Bladder Urine, Baby Diarrhoea, Anyang-anyangen, Back Pain, Ulcers, also known for a natural remedy and cure of cancer chemotherapy.

Studies at Purdue University show that if the magic tree and the fruit soursop can:
  • Graviola leaf can kill cancer cells effectively, particularly cancer cells: prostate, pancreas, and lung-cancer cell paru.Menyerang with safe and effective naturally, without nausea, weight loss, hair loss, as occurs in chemo therapy.
  • Protecting the immune system and prevent deadly infections.
  • Increased energy and improved physical appearance.
  • Effectively selecting the target and kill the bad cells from 12 different types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung, and pancreas.
  • Power works 10,000 times stronger in slowing the growth of cancer cells compared with adriamycin and the commonly used chemotherapy.
  • Unlike chemo therapy, this leaf extract selectively hunt down and kill only the bad cells and not harm or kill healthy cells.
Here are recipes using herbs with soursop leaf to cancer treatment. Prepare 10 soursop leaves, then wash. (In 10 leaves, cukurannya mixed between large with small). Then boil it with soursop leaf 3 cups water. Once boiling reduce heat and allow to evaporate during the + / - 20 minutes until the water to 1 cup. Residual water decoction drunk, a day 1-2 times.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Side effects of low blood pressure

Side effects of low blood pressure. Low blood pressure or hypotension occurs when blood pressure is lower than usual, which means the heart, brain and other body parts are not getting enough blood.

Side effects of low blood pressure. Typically, a person referred to suffer from hypotension when blood pressure below 90/60 mmHg. But it does not apply to everyone. There are people who are always low normal blood pressure and did not feel impaired. Meanwhile, there are people that the blood pressure above that level and experience problems of hypotension. The most important factor is the change in blood pressure than normal conditions. Normal human blood pressure in the range of 90/60 to 130/80 mm Hg, but a significant decrease, even only 20 mm Hg, can cause problems for some people.

Types of Hypotension
There are three main types of hypotension:

Orthostatic hypotension. Orthostatic hypotension caused by sudden changes in body position, usually when switching from lying to standing, and usually only lasts a few seconds or minutes. This type of hypotension can also occur after eating and often suffered by older people, people with high blood pressure and people with Parkinson's disease.

Neural mediated hypotension (NMH in the English abbreviation). NMH most often affects young adults and children and occurs when a person has been standing for a long time.
Acute hypotension due to blood loss suddenly (shock)

Symptoms of Hypotension

Symptoms of low blood pressure, among others (Side effects of low blood pressure):
  • Blurred vision
  • Confusion
  • Fainting
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Limp

Causes of hypotension
The cause of hypotension varies partly because:
  • Dehydration.
  • Side effects of drugs like alcohol, anxiolytic, some antidepressants, diuretics, drugs for high blood pressure and coronary heart disease, analgesic.
  • Heart problems such as changes in heart rhythm (arrhythmia), heart attack, heart failure.
  • Emotional shock, such as shock caused by severe infection, stroke, anaphylaxis (life-threatening allergic reactions and severe trauma.
  • Bleeding, etc.. You are strongly advised to consult with a physician or a specialist if often unconscious or hypotension interfere with your quality of life.
  • Diabetes advanced

  • Hypotension in healthy people who do not pose a problem usually requires no treatment.
  • If you have signs or symptoms of low blood pressure, you may need treatment, which depends on the cause.
  • If orthostatic hypotension caused by medicines, your doctor may change the dose or giving different drugs. Do not stop taking medications before consulting with a physician. Other treatments for orthostatic hypotension include the addition of fluids to treat dehydration or wearing elastic hose to boost blood pressure in the lower body.
  • Those who suffer from hypotension types of NMH should avoid triggers, such as standing for a long time. Another treatment involves drinking lots of fluids and increase the amount of salt in the diet. (This treatment should be on the recommendation of a doctor because too much salt can also be hazardous to health).
  • Acute hypotension caused by shock is a medical emergency. You may be given intravenous blood transfusions, medication for blood pressure and improve heart strength, as well as other drugs such as antibiotics.

Some Tips for Patients with Hypotension
  • Many women with hypotension who has a very low level of iron because menstruation very much. Ask for specialist advice when needed blood booster supplement.
  • Fall is very dangerous for the elderly because it can make the injury and other complications of fractures. Always accompany your parents who suffer from severe hypotension.
  • If you feel the symptoms of decreased blood pressure, you should immediately sit or lie down and lift your legs above heart height.
  • If low blood pressure causes a person to faint, immediately look for medical care. If the person is not breathing, immediately do rescue breathing assistance.

Staying Healthy in Body Fat

This is good news for those who have a fat body posture. A recent study revealed that not all fat people must work hard to lose weight because they might be able to stay healthy even though his body fat.

Canadian study indicates, they are obese but do not have complications (illness), can live as long as individuals are not obese. In fact, obesity is known as a factor that can increase the risk of various complications of the disease.

Staying Healthy in Body Fat
"This illustration (research) can not apply to all individuals who are obese. We must see first whether they (who are obese) had additional risk factors that indicate poor health to determine if they should lose weight or not," said Jennifer Kuk, who is also an assistant research professor at York University, Toronto.

In his research, Kuk analyzed data about 6,000 obese patients who visit health clinics in Dallas in the period between 1987 and 2001. Participants examined by a doctor if experiencing complications illnesses and were interviewed about physical activity, intake of fruits and vegetables, as well as slimming efforts.

The results showed that patients who were categorized as level 2 or 3, there were 1.6 times higher risk of dying due to diverse causes, and 2 times more prevalent risk of dying from cardiovascular disease than individuals with normal weight.

However, patients who were categorized as 0 or 1 had no difference in risk of death than people with normal weight. In fact, they are categorized as 0 or a lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease than those with normal weight.

They are categorized as 0 and 1 is an individual who is more physically active and more frequent eating fruits and vegetables compared to category 2 and 3 patients. Patient category 0 or 1 also tended to be less involved in dieting or slimming program.

According to the Kuk, undergoing slimming program would pose a risk to health when the body back into shape or also known as "yo-yo dieting". The fact also shows that the yo-yo dieting may be more unhealthy for some obese patients compared to those who are able to maintain her weight.

"Most of those who lost weight eventually get fat again, even the increase can be larger than the amount removed (weight), and it is risky for health," said Kuk.

Researchers are now developing a scale system that can help doctors determine which obese patients who would benefit from weight-loss program.

Meanwhile Dr. Pieter Cohen, assistant professor of medicine from Harvard University and an expert in internal medicine at Cambridge Health Alliance says it is not impossible for those who are overweight or obese to healthy living. But he said the study was still too early to try to deduce which individuals benefit from weight loss.

"Even if we identify indiividu where the risk of complications from obesity, it remains unclear whether weight loss will reduce the risk of death," he said

To get a clearer answer, Cohen suggested the researchers randomly selected obese people to lose or maintain weight and apply a healthy lifestyle. Then see which group experienced improvements in the quality of healthcare.

Kuk confirms also that the results of this study do not suggest that obesity for free to gain weight. "Instead, this study shows that to maintain weight, eat right and exercise, in the long run, better than trying to lose weight," said Kuk.

Fast walkers Taxable Lower Risk of Breast Cancer

Women who walked briskly to regularly have a lower risk of breast cancer after menopause - and it's never too late to start.

From that research shows that highly active women are less likely to develop breast cancer than their counterparts who did not move much, but little is known about the impact of light exercise and whether women are less active who started doing sports will also get the same results .

Prevent breast cancer by walking
The study, published medical journal "Archives of Internal Medicine", physician investigators A. Heather Eliassen, and a group of researchers from Harvard University reviewed the data about nearly 100,000 women who have menopause and examined them for 20 years.

There are many risk factors (conditions that increase the likelihood of disease) of breast cancer that women can not be controlled like a family health history or age when they start menstruating, it is clear Eliassen told Reuters Health.

But physical activity "is only one risk factor for breast cancer that women can follow up, and never too late to do so."

During the study, women reported how active they are and what type of exercise they do.

They are scheduled at least one hour per day to run faster or similar activities, 15 percent less likely to develop breast cancer than those who walked less than one hour per week.

Brisk walking means walking three to four miles per hour with a speed that makes it difficult to make conversation than during a leisurely stroll.

Even those who do little exercise before menopause but after vigorous activity, 10 percent less likely to develop breast cancer than those who remained inactive.

Overall, five of the 100 women developed breast cancer within 20 years.

Brisk walking seems to be the most protective action against breast cancer, more than swimming, hiking (hiking) or a leisurely stroll (jogging). But Eliassen stated that walking also became the most common form of exercise, which can reduce the validity of research results.

Regular exercise has been associated with a lower risk even after eliminating the potential effects of the alcohol drinking behavior and promote weight loss.

Forms of research can not provide evidence that exercise can lead to breast cancer a little more because because there may be other factors common to women in the study that also prevents breast cancer.

But it is merely "suggestions", although not yet clear why such an impact sport, says Eliassen.

Although previous research has shown that exercise reduces estrogen levels in the blood, these studies also have shown that exercise also reduces the risk of breast cancer because that is not influenced by estrogen.

"Physical activity also has an impact on chronic inflammation and insulin sensitivity. So there are several ways physical activity can be influential," he added.


Prevent breast cancer by walking

Walking is not only a cause of heart healthy but there are other benefits arising from the foot. Getting used to walking for at least 30 minutes per day was able to prevent the risk of breast cancer.

Thus the results of recent research a number of researchers from the scientists of The World Cancer Research Fund. Which is known as a factor in obesity is easily exposed to the risk of cancer, by walking can make the fat will be reduced and will be a source of estrogen for women.

Prevent breast cancer by walking
Women who actively exercise have an increased risk of breast cancer is lower than those with less exercise. Walk 30 minutes, five times a week can reduce breast cancer risk by 18 percent where the study involving 74 thousand women aged 50 to 79 years. In addition to preventing exposure to risk of breast cancer, walking can also prevent the risk of osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity and high pressure drah

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Spicy Food and Pregnancy

Throughout the first trimester, expectant mothers often suffer from emesis gravidarum, which is the number of saliva, nausea and vomiting due to changes in the digestive system in the form of excessive stomach acid production and slowing of gastric emptying time or a decrease in peristaltic movements of intestines, due to hormonal changes in pregnancy. In those circumstances, the mother usually takes a stimulant spicy taste.

In principle, any food can be consumed as long as healthy. Sauce or cayenne pepper is fine as far as not to disturb the digestive (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea), especially when mothers suffer from peptic ulcers / bowel or stomach ulcers.

Spicy Food and Pregnancy
Fetal growth
Directly, the sauce does not disturb fetal growth. However, if the cause vomiting and diarrhea, can trigger dehydration (lack of fluids and electrolytes) and the declining supply of other micronutrients that could affect fetal growth and development. Burning sensation after eating chili that ditimblkan in the stomach will affect the Baby in the womb is still soft, very sensitive and can impair neurological development, especially the skin.

Foods that contain lots of spices such as chili or pepper can sometimes cause interference on the stomach and other digestive disorders such as diarrhea. Foods like these can harm the fetus. If there is diarrhea after eating spicy foods, simply by stopping consumption of these foods, and replace electrolytes lost by drinking ORS. Diarrhea will stop spontaneously without the need to take certain medications. However, if at the time of diarrhea can cause uterine contractions that occur because of stomach cramps. This contraction resulted pd emphasis fetus in the womb. This contraction will result in suppression jg kpd colon.

food acid
This restriction applies also to drink that tastes sour. Drink too much stomach acid will make uncomfortable. In fact it is not likely to cause injury in the gut when it comes from the sour taste of vinegar or other ingredients nonbiologis. This condition may be more severe in pregnant women who previously had suffered from stomach disorders (gastritis).

Not that pregnant women should not be touched at all spicy and acidic foods, which is required is set to keep to eat them is not excessive

Beware of Bad Cholesterol Threats

Cholesterol is a fat contained in the blood stream or are in the cell body, which is actually required for the formation of cell walls and as raw material for some hormones, but if excessive blood cholesterol levels, will lead to coronary heart disease and stroke.

Cholesterol is actually formed naturally by the human body, and beyond that the rest can be obtained from animal foods such as meat, poultry, fish, margarine, cheese and milk. Foods derived from plants that produce vegetable fats contain no cholesterol, such as fruits, vegetables and some grains.

Beware of Bad Cholesterol Threats
Types of Cholesterol

Mean LDL cholesterol or fats
This fat can accumulate on the inside walls of blood vessels that supply food to the heart and brain. Heaps of the increasingly thick and hard to block blood flow.

HDL cholesterol or fats Good
These fats can membersihakn and mnegangkut fat deposits from the walls of blood vessels to the liver. The ideal HDL cholesterol should be higher than men because female hormones estrogen raises HDL. While the causes of low HDL cholesterol is less exercise, too fat, and smoking habits.

Cholesterol Lp (a)
Cholesterol Lp (a) is a variation of LDL cholesterol. Lp (a) a high danger for the heart. Cause an increase in Lp (a) is unclear, possibly related to genetic factors.

Triglycerides are another fat that can come from food or formed by the body. Have high triglycerides often followed by total cholesterol and high LDL and low HDL cholesterol. People who are heart disease, diabetes, or obesity, usually have high levels of triglycerides.

Is the excess cholesterol in the blood vessels that can cause constriction of blood vessels which further meakibatkan coronary heart disease. This disease does not show any symptoms, and for it to do cholesterol tests periodically and consult with a physician.

Factors causing high levels of cholesterol are unhealthy lifestyle

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Beware of Cow Milk Allergy in Children

Allergy to cow's milk is the more suffered by children under 3 years of age, especially under the age of 12 months. This is because there are immunological reactions at the body of the baby. Immunoglobulin (IgE) response to cow's milk protein and judge them as foreign objects in the baby's body. As a result, the protein was not digested properly, and even cause symptoms of allergic reactions. Allergies will occur when the baby's immune system recognize that the protein contained in cow's milk as a hazardous substance. Approximately 2-3 percent of infants aged 0-3 years experience allergic to cow's milk, this is because babies have immune systems are still immature and vulnerable.

Beware of Cow Milk Allergy in Children
Many studies have shown that infant allergies are the main factor because they do not get Mother's Milk Colostrum (ASI), so to avoid this allergen that is exclusive breastfeeding until age 6 months.

We as parents have to pay attention to your medical history on our bodies. If the mother has a history of allergy, then the baby has a 50% chance of allergies, if only the father who brought genetics allergies, chances are 20% exposed to the same allergy. But if both of them. So the baby is probably 70% carry the genetic factors.

Allergic effects caused:

Rapid reaction. Symptoms will appear after 45 minutes drinking cow's milk. Namely in the form, red spots on baby's skin, itching, respiratory system disorders such as breath sounds ngik, sneezing, itchy nose and eyes and red eyes.

Reaction medium. Will appear after 45 minutes - 20 hours after the baby is drinking cow's milk, which is characterized by vomiting and diarrhea.

Slow reaction. Generally, symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation (difficult BAB) and dermatitis (eczema skin), will be visible after more than 20 hours.

In general, the interference effects of cow's milk allergy there is a wide-maca, the digestive tract, such as diarrhea, colic, difficult bowel movement, until gastrointestinal bleeding, the bias also causes a red rash and swelling of the skin-even affect the well to the channel respiratory, such as runny nose, persistent cough, wheezing and asthma.


Breastfeed. However, if breastfeed production is not much, you need to pay attention to cow's milk in infants. Replace milk with partially hydrolyzed infant formula (partially hidrolized), and fully hydrolyzed (extensively hydrolyzed). Consider his reaction after being fed milk. If you experience any suspicious symptoms, immediately stop the first cow's milk.

Consult your baby's problem with your doctor to get better handling and precise.

Avoid giving food allergens such as eggs, fish, nuts and certain fruits. Usually babies are allergic to cow's milk are also allergic to other foods.

Parents who have a history of allergies tend to be at high risk of allergic disease was lower in babies born. Some experts believe munologi allergies, the risk of developing allergies in infants around 30 percent if one parent suffers from allergies. Risk will be doubled if both parents are allergy sufferers.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Lifestyle that robs our sleep

One morning you wake up from sleep with the tiredness and fatigue. Last night, for some reason you spend a lot of time back and forth across the bed without being able to fall asleep. It may take up to 2 hours, then sleeping a dream. In fact, the day before you went through with a busy and tiring. People who are tired of easy sleep should not it?

Apparently not. In addition to stress, many other factors that affect our sleep process. Here are some habits or lifestyle can prolong wakefulness:

Lifestyle that robs our sleep
1. Stimulants

Some people think that by drinking alcohol would make it easier to sleep. It is true, but so sleep effects of alcohol actually makes sleep is not deep. As a result, one becomes poor sleep quality. While caffeinated drinks had already become the daily drink. Quite often, many people rely on caffeine to sustain its productivity.

In fact, caffeine is only going to get rid of drowsiness without increasing the ability of the brain. The best way is to set the actual sleep and caffeine consumption patterns. Caffeine will work for 9-15 hours in our bodies. For that, limit their consumption of up to 12-15 hours before bedtime. Drinks that contain caffeine include coffee, tea, cola and various energy drinks.

2. Sports

Exercise at night has also become a habit urban communities. Whether it was waiting for traffic, or by reason of busy, lots of new people had time to exercise at night. Though distance and exercise time completed an ideal bed is 3 hours. With exercise does your body will feel tired, but adrenaline will increase. Adrenaline will make us more awake. Consequently, although the body feels tired, as if the brain would not stop to rest.

The sport has become an important factor for maintaining the health and appearance. But exercise alone did not guarantee a person's health. In accordance with the concept of The Triumvirate of Health, to achieve perfect health, it takes three essential components, namely physical fitness (exercise), the balance of nutrition and healthy sleep. Healthy sleep will also increase productivity.

3. Sleep Habits

Good sleep habits will ensure a comfortable sleep. Get used to sleep at the same time. Thus, you have to set biological clocks to rest. Once accustomed, sleep will come by itself at these hours. In contrast, irregular sleep hours will disrupt your sleep patterns.

Sleeping without preparation will take away sleep. Ready to sleep not just sleepy. Ready to sleep is sleepy and relaxed. Though many people for the sake of productivity, would like to continue working until sleepiness unbearable. As a result, they feel tired without being able to close my eyes.

Half an hour or fifteen minutes before bed, remove all the work and activities that are too busy eyes and mind. Television included. Then do a fun and relaxing activity. Just read or perform skin care. After feeling quite relaxed and sleepy, then climbed into bed.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Slim could lead to strength and energy

Obesity makes walking difficult. Walk for 5 minutes can make a sore and struggling breath. Imagine if your belly bigger then rest on your wife, what your wife is not afraid of a disease and shortness of breath?

According to researchers from Wake Forest University, who has a size of waist and hip circumference above 75 cm will experience a decrease in muscle strength. As a result, they no longer have enough energy to perform various activities. Come on, lose weight now so you have enough energy to perform active. Usually, people seem more nimble slim.

Slim = longevity

Research shows that the condition of being overweight can trigger the production of the hormone leptin and estrogen, the hormone that encourages the development of abnormal cells that lead to tumors.

By losing weight, you will be protected from some types of cancer. According to a study at the University of Minnesota of 22,000 women for seven years, overweight women who managed to lose weight about 10-15% of their body weight can reduce the risk of breast cancer as much as 21%.

Obesity can also cause hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and stroke. This is due to blockage of blood flow by the amount of fat and fat slurry LDL us in some vital organs. What happens klo heart, liver, kidney & pancreas is broken because of obesity, it seems like life would not hesitate matipun.

Researchers from the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston found that the symptoms of diabetes is reduced when the 24 people who on average have 10-25 excess pounds, losing about 7% of its original weight.

In people with diabetes, disturbances in insulin function may also lead to disturbances in fat metabolism (dyslipidemia). It can be seen from the elevated levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides, and decreased levels of HDL (good cholesterol). This condition can cause caused plaques in blood vessels (atherosclerosis) that cause blood vessels to shrink in diameter. Consequently, the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke increases. If we trim, we can prolong life by medical science.

Natural Healthy Ways to Lose Weight

Today, we meet a lot of slimming drugs are sold freely on the market. Not only intended to womanhood, but also the adam. And not a few others who have spent money to buy medicine slimming the body.

Indeed many were successful in a short time. But, what you've noticed in the health of our organs? Not visible from the outside, but very vital. Any medications, it is packaged, it must contain the chemical. These chemicals was aggravating the liver, as a filter toxins into the body.

If there is a more secure, easy, healthy, natural way to lose weight, why should we punish our internal organs.

Well, the following Healthy Way to Lose Weight Naturally. Interestingly, the tips below do not apply only to the girls, but also the boys.

1. Consumption of fresh green tea

Substances contained in green tea are able to stabilize, even to suppress the production of fat in the body. If consumed regularly, in one month can already see the results. In addition, green tea contains antioxidants that can protect skin from free radicals. If consumed regularly, the skin becomes smoother and fresher.

The trick>> 2 teaspoons brewed green tea leaves with a cup of hot water. Wait until completely cool drink in the morning and afternoon.

2. Avoid staying up late and get up in the morning

Avoid staying up late, because the calorie-burning hormones to work well if you sleep, not staying up. And try to get up early every day. Wake up in the morning is believed to awaken your positive aura, so the calorie-burning hormones to work optimally. Grateful if you take advantage of a few minutes with your morning jogging or calisthenics.

3. Reduce snacking

Maybe this is difficult, but this is just what the main factor why your weight does not go down well. While you do not eat rice all day, if you keep snacking. Then your diet will be useless

4. Consumption of fruit, at least once a day

Do not be lazy to eat the fruit, anything goes at least once a day. Adjust to your taste. Fruit contains fiber, vitamins, and water that accelerates the process of digestion. If gastrointestinal smooth, then the abdominal fat will not accumulate.

5. Include vegetables in your menu

Also do not be lazy to eat vegetables. Any vegetable that you can customize to your taste.

6. Sport

I myself lazy when told to exercise. But in fact, by jogging every morning, my weight down as much as 3kg for two weeks. Of course my five tips above also apply. For those of you who are busy, try at least sports, whatever it is, 2 times a week. For a super busy week in the morning might be a good time to exercise.

7. Reduce oily food and bersantan

Cuisine desert is one example of greasy food and bersantan. Delicious indeed, but not too often take it if you seriously want to lose weight. You can keep taking it. But give limits on yourself. For example once a week, or three times a month.

8. Discipline

This is the key to success. Not only in terms of losing weight, but all things. If you are disciplined, running tips that I wrote above

No attempt is fruitless. Provided you follow the tips you gave me above, your dreams will come true. Not only the weight down, but also healthy.

why many diets fail?

Here are some things that become the cause of failed diets.
1. Reducing the size of the meal.
2. Skipping breakfast.
3. Breakfast with the wrong menu.
4. Starve.
5. Eat only 1x a day.
6. Less consumption of water in a day.
7. Taking the pill / drugs / herbal dietary improvements without eating better.
8. Less motor activity / sport.
9. Diet methods are less precise and effective. Many diet method that does not touch the root of the problem, only give instant results and instant false.