Friday, July 22, 2011

Suitable for suction fat that had Slim So Fat

Rich people who want instant slimming often take shortcuts with liposuction. Though this action is not to address obesity, but rather to improve the shape of an already slender body.

Fat is suctioned not all, only in certain parts of it is still disturbing appearance of such at the waist and upper arms. Fats from deep inside the abdominal cavity for example in the liver can not be eliminated simply by liposuction.

Yet the main problem for people with obesity is not fat under the skin like the one in the arm or waist. Fat in the abdominal cavity is more dangerous because it affects the metabolic system, including the triggering cause of insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes.

"Liposuction is intended for body shaping or body shape. The plastic surgeon also has limitations, can not all be sucked up," said pbesitas expert, Dr. Samuel Oetoro, MS, SpGK in a press conference seminars and courses to Obesity-6 at the Hotel Borobudur, Friday (04/08/2011).

Dr. Samuel said, in a certain condition is needed liposuction. For example in people who are slim, but there is still a little fat deposits in certain parts that are aesthetically unattractive and need to be removed in a short time.

Exercise takes time, while for certain professions such as business models of appearance can not wait long. Exercise is also difficult to eliminate fat in certain parts only, one-one actually losing fat in other parts that are supposed to be fat such as breast.

If done by obese patients to lose weight instantly, then it is more precisely found negative effects including skin sags. Not to mention the maintenance is not cheap, ranging from the incision to heal the wound to prevent fat deposits are formed again.

According to Dr. Samuel, the most healthy and safe way to lose weight is to change behavior (behavior), applying a healthy diet and increasing physical activity. If all three fail, the next option is to take medications that may only be purchased with a prescription.

Liposuction surgery and should be placed as a last resort when all efforts were fruitless. And that's to be done by a plastic surgeon, not in illegal clinics for their safety.

(Up / ir)

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