Sunday, July 24, 2011

Vitamin C increases Retina Eye Function

Recently scientists at Oregon Health and Science University claim that vitamin C can help improve the function of cells of the retina of the eye and brain function.

The researchers suggested, retinal cells that exist both inside and outside need to get adequate vitamin intake in order to function properly. The retina is actually part of the central nervous system and the invention is at least reinforce the notion that vitamin C has important benefits for brain health.

The brain has a specific receptor known as GABA. GABA function in regulating the communication between brain cells. GABA perform the role of "brake" on the excitatory neurons of the brain. This study shows that as the GABA receptors are found in the retinal cells will cease to operate when they lose their vitamin C.
retina eye

Another fact pointed out, vitamin C is also required for GABA receptors in the brain. The researchers said, helped preserve the natural antioxidants receptors and brain cells thereby protecting them from premature damage.

The proper function of vitamin C in the brain is not known with certainty. When the body lacks vitamin C, the brain tends to hold it for long periods of time. In addition, lack of vitamin C can cause gum disease (sprue), which in turn leads to depression. This may be due to vitamin deficiency in the brain.

Researchers concluded that diets rich in vitamin C provides protection against the neural retina and this will be very beneficial for those who are susceptible to glaucoma. Researchers hope this could be the development of new hypotheses and for the potential treatment options.

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