Friday, July 22, 2011

Technique quickly memorize

Total Story Technique (TST)

This technique is done by making a short story of the things we are going to memorize. For example we are going shopping at the supermarket to buy rice, shampoo, milk, chewing gum, floor cleaners, egg, soy sauce, cheese, tomato sauce, paper towels. Rather than trying to memorize it, you better make a story for these things to Dewi Sri (the goddess of legend that describes the rice paddy) was shampooing (shampoo) with a milk bath. While outside, the Mbok who was chewing gum while mopping (permbersih floor) has prepared an egg flavor soy sauce sprinkled with cheese and tomato sauce soft as tissue.

The story is completely visualized and imagined. Develop your imagination by adding color, sound, objects and motion supporting the story. For example, imagine a pink bathing place Dewi Sri milk bath, imagine the Mbok old and wearing a gray kebaya mopping page, listen to the voice chew gum in his mouth, and imagine that you taste the eggs that tasted like soy sauce, imagine the egg shape sprinkled with cheese and tomato sauce, and imagine that you can hold the egg and feel the softness of such tissue.

Make a real shadow in front of you. With the example of this story, we have trained the right brain that functions in creativity and imagination. Creativity is created when we make a short story and imagination played a role when we visualize the story.

Total Word Technique (TWT)

In this technique you want to remember information is converted into acronyms, or if the information that will be remembered is the foreign words, can be converted into words that sound almost the same. This technique is often also called mnemonics. After that, the newly created stories to be accepted by the right brain.

For example, when I have to memorize the eight planets from the nearest sun. The sequence is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. If it feels hard to memorize, can be converted into a sentence "Driving a Vespa Not Toys, Judi Urip Friends Risked".

Sentence using some of the letters before or the first syllable of the order of the planet who wants to be remembered. Riding to remember Mercury, Venus Vespa for, not for Earth's, Toys for Mars, Judi to Jupiter, to Saturn's Companions, Urip for Uranus, Neptune Risked for. By imagining the characters and that is being done, you can better remember it.

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