Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Types of Exercise to Prevent Heart Disease

Overweight is a risk factor for heart disease. However, do not give up, a lot we can do for heart disease not to approach. One of them is exercise.

With regular exercise, heart rate into a more efficient pump so the heart does not have to work as hard as when you exercise less.

According to a recent study, the most ideal type of exercise to reduce the risk of heart attacks in people who are overweight is the combination of weight training with aerobics.

People who only do aerobic types of exercise alone will experience a decrease in waist circumference and body weight. While people who only practice the burden of long-term health benefits is smaller.

"Aerobic exercise plus resistance training is the most optimal program for those who are overweight," said Dr. Timothy Church, who studied sports and diseases at Louisiana State University's Pennington Biomedical Research Center.
aeerobic Prevent Heart Disease

Research results were in line with some evidence of previous studies which suggested that aerobic exercise combined with a bit of weight training.

In a study conducted on 196 people who are overweight and have a sedentary lifestyle (uncommon moves), the respondents were divided into three groups of sports programming.

The first group exercise course load of three times a week. They practice using eight tool endurance exercise with a target reduction in muscle and lower your upper body.
What Are the Coronary Artery Disease Risk Factors?
In the second group, they do two hours of aerobic exercise each week at the gym. While the third group did both types of exercise, both resistance and aerobic exercise.

During the 8 months of the program, more than a quarter of respondents involved in the study was stopped in the middle of the road and some could not complete the data before and after exercise.

In general, people from the burden of the exercise group who completed the exercise program experienced an increase of about 0.6 pounds and small waist without any decrease in risk of diabetes or heart disease.

Those who do aerobic exercise decreased about 1.3 kg and 0.5-inch waist, while doing a combination of exercise reduced body weight 1.8 kg and waist circumference reduced by 1 inch. From this group was also seen a decrease diastolic blood pressure and metabolic syndrome score that describes the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

However, in general, statistical analysis did not show a combination of aerobic exercise and weight training is better than just aerobic exercise alone so that aerobic exercise is also a good option.

Souece: Kompas

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