Saturday, July 23, 2011

Tall women are more susceptible cancer?

Women who have a height above the average of a greater cancer risk than people whose short stature (less than 155 centimeters). Those whose height above 175 cm cancer risk 37 percent higher.

The study was conducted on more than one million women in Britain in a study that examines the link between height and incidence of 17 types of cancer. In general, for every increase in height of 10 cm, the risk increased 16 percent.

tall women
However, keep in mind, the real risk of getting cancer in the group is not that much taller. For example, out of every 1,000 women of the tall (height 173.8 cm) there will be 10 who were diagnosed with cancer each year. Meanwhile, a group of medium height (160 cm) there were eight who were diagnosed with cancer. This means there are 2 additional diagnosis per 1,000 women from the heights above the group average.

Large-scale study conducted by a team from Oxford University has also incorporated other risk factors on the incidence of cancer, such as socioeconomic status and smoking habits.

However, Cancer Research UK, said women including tall need not worry about the results of such research. While it's height contribute to cancer risk, there are other factors that contribute more that family history and lifestyle.

Height can not be changed, but adopting a healthy lifestyle, exercise regularly, avoid alcohol, and quitting smoking is a proven way to reduce cancer risk.

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