Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Caffeine, Enemy Women's Fertility

Lifestyle affect fertility. For those of you who were longing for a baby, apply a healthy lifestyle through diet and regular exercise selection.

One thing you should do is to limit intake of caffeine under 300 milligrams per day rate. This figure is equivalent to three cups of coffee or six cans of soft drinks. Remember, not just the caffeine contained in coffee, but also other foods such as chocolate, and soft drinks.

Caffeine is claimed to reduce the opportunity for pregnant women. Stimulant effects of caffeine or power stimuli cause changes in hormone levels which in turn can interfere with fertility. While consumption of alcohol can impair fertility by 50 percent.

Also avoid foods that are contaminated with pesticides so that the stability of the hormone is not interrupted. Also avoid eating foods that pass through the process repeated. Instead, eat natural and organic foods during their pregnancy program.

Currently undergoing pregnancy, keep awake weight proportional. Avoid crash diets that make weight dropped drastically because it can disrupt the menstrual cycle. Also avoid too much body fat. Limiting consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates are also important you do.

Despite the bad effects on fertility, a number of studies in foreign countries proves caffeine increases fertility in men. One of them is the result of research from the Coffee Science Information Centre in Brazil.

agency spokesman, said, caffeine stimulates dopamine cells in the brain, thus helping people to concentrate. "There is the possibility of sperm also experienced a boost when a man receives caffeine intake,"

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