Friday, September 23, 2011

Yogurt endanger fetus

New Study finds that pregnant women who ate low-fat yogurt is more risky to give birth to children with asthma. This analysis produced after monitoring the habits of tens of thousands of pregnant women associated with the consumption of low fat yogurt as well as the development of fever.

Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health in the U.S. claimed it was caused by loss of fat contribute to protect against allergies.

In a recent study, more than 60 thousand women were asked about their eating habits during pregnancy.

Mothers who eat low-fat yogurt while pregnant. 60 percent more children may have asthma at age 7 years than those not exposed to yoghurt while in the womb. Also, they are more likely to experience fever three times higher than other children.

The researchers say that fat dairy products may contain fat which helps program the immune system of an unborn baby away from allergies. In addition, it is suspected, low-fat yogurt with fruit contain ingredients that increase the risk of asthma and fever.

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