Friday, September 16, 2011

Stop Smoking Can Reduce Attitudes Temperament

Profits increase again if you stop smoking. Not only a healthier physical, psychological conditions also could be better. According to a recent study, smoking cessation can reduce the neurotic nature or like to complain and the nature of impulsive or temperamental.

Research conducted Andrew Littlefield of the University of Missouri, United States, found that when a person is more emotional, more sensitive, and anxious, also tend to smoke. This study compared the smoker and someone who had stopped smoking, aged between 18 to 35 years.

"Smokers at the age of 18 have higher levels of impulsivity than someone who does not smoke at the same age. Then, those who stop smoking significantly reduced impulsive nature between the ages of 18 and 25,"

For older smokers, smoking becomes part of a regular pattern of behavior. It is driven by habit, desire, and tolerance and not the nature and impulsive personality. Another fact found is to quit smoking or even just trying to stop, can make you feel better.

The study, published in Nicotine and Tobacco Research analyzes the symptoms of depression in people who are trying to stop smoking. Interestingly, subjects described themselves as never been as happy as when successfully stopped smoking

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