Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Importance of Milk Chocolate after Exercise

NOT just one, two, but there are three new studies that prove that drinking low-fat chocolate milk after a workout will maximize the results because it will meet the needs of high-quality carbohydrates and protein.

Evidently, the athletes drank low-fat chocolate milk after pascalatihan will have body composition (more muscle, less fat) is better and is in excellent condition more than their counterparts who drank sports drinks with carbohydrates alone.

The new research regarding the benefits of drinking low-fat chocolate milk after a strenuous exercise that is:

1. Improved performance: a trained cyclists will have a significantly greater strength and progress faster when they travel within miunum low-fat chocolate milk drink compared with carbohydrate and calorie-free sports.

2. Adaptation to exercise more quickly: when compared with those taking other energy recovery drinks, chocolate milk drinkers were twice as likely to have improvements in aerobic fitness and adaptation measures.

3. Better body composition: chocolate milk drinkers have more muscle and lose more fat during exercise compared with a carbohydrate drink.

"Collectively, our study shows that low-fat chocolate milk can help improve performance and training for amateur athletes trained and when faced with a difficult routine," said study leader John L. Ivy PhD from the University of Texas at Austin. These finding were presented at the American College of Sports Medicine and published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research September 2011 edition.

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