Saturday, September 24, 2011

Let's Select White Meat, Safer and Healthier

Many studies reveal red meat is not good for health. This is when you switch to white meat. Full nutrient addition, is also safe for health.

While many experts say that red meat is not good for health and cited one of the causes of cancer, you can eat white meat.

Red meat included in one of the high-fat foods. This will stimulate prostegeron hormones and cause cancer at high risk.

In addition, foods high in fat can also cause high bile acids, uncontrollable body tissues, metabolism slows down and finally the great potential of colon cancer.

"It's better to eat white meat like fish, but you should choose freshwater fish than the sea because it is still fresh,"

Catfish, carp, tilapia, Arowana and mujahir are some fish belonging to the class of freshwater fish. These fish are also usually more affordable on the market.

"Marine fish most rapidly get to the market an average of one week since the process of fishing, when compared to freshwater fish fresher clear fresh water,"

In the process of treatment is also recommended to not be cooked in temperatures or high temperatures and produce a chemical burn due to cancer-causing heterocyclic amines.

"It's okay to eat meat, just do not excessive, but should avoid foods that trigger hormonal changes,"

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