Thursday, September 29, 2011

Prevent Stroke with Apples and Pears

NOT just any fruit, eat fruit and vegetables are known to the white fleshy protect us from a stroke, according to new research. Well, two examples of white fleshed fruit most often and easily we find that apples and pears.

Studies conducted at Wageningen University in the Netherlands looked at the relationship between consumption of food color and a stroke in 20 069 adults who are free of heart disease and average age 41 years. This study found that stroke risk 52 percent lower for people with high intake of fruits and vegetables, fleshy white. Every 25 gram increase in daily consumption of fruits and vegetables is associated with white fleshy 9 percent lower risk of stroke.

Apples and pears are high in fiber and fleshy white pigment called quercetin. The other white meat diet in the study include bananas, cauliflower, cabbage, and cucumbers.

"To protect themselves from a stroke, it helps us increase the consumption of large amounts of white fleshed fruits and vegetables," said lead researcher Linda M Oude Griep.

"Eating an apple a day only grain is an easy way to increase intake of fruits and vegetables, fleshy white."

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