Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Drying Clothes Increase Cancer Risk

It is routine when an already dirty clothes washed, dried, then ironed. But you know, a study in the United States said hanging clothes in the sun can be harmful to health? One of the danger that the cancer.

Scientists involving environmental experts look at pollution in Seattle. They investigated the evaporation in the area where the clothes dried in the open area. They also seek out material that evaporates from the clothes.

The result, evaporation of clothing turned out to contain a number of chemicals. Among the chemicals evaporate, found 25 volatile organic compounds, including seven of which are hazardous air pollutants.

Two of the seven materials are acetaldehyde and benzene which has been assigned the United States as a carcinogen (causes cancer).

In addition to these studies, it has been many studies that prove that those who live in areas where the clothes had been washed with detergent and fabric softener and then dried by drying (on the inside of the house), more prone to headaches.

The best way to avoid health problems is by hanging clothes in an open area or even better with clothes dryers.

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