Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Stopped smoking Can Reduce Impulsive Behavior

Stop smoking was not only good for your health, because recent studies have found people who stop smoking could improve his personality such as reducing impulsive behavior.

Study finds to stop smoking not only helps clean the lungs, but also increase the person's personality traits such as limiting associated with neurological disorders and impulsive behavior.

Andrew Littlefield Researchers from the University of Missouri, the U.S. found people who smoke are more likely to have an impulsive nature and has a higher negative emotional.

In this study researchers compared people who had stop smoking at age 18-35 years, and most major personality changes actually experienced by people aged 18-25 years.

"Smokers aged 18 years had higher levels of impulsivity than non-smokers, while the older smokers tend to have made cigarettes as a behavior that motivated by habit and tolerance so that instead of a personality such as impulsivity,"

The study results are published in Nicotine and Tobacco Research shows stop smoking not only improves health status, but also improve a person's mood to be better.

Participants involved in the study never actually felt better as when he successful stop smoking. Researchers assume that smokers are more likely to make smoking as a way to cope with stress, but smoking actually makes the condition worse.

Besides successfully quit smoking within 1 year could reduce the risk of heart disease by 50 percent and reduce the risk of various cancers. This condition allowed him to live longer than smokers.

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