Wednesday, September 14, 2011

These foods can Lowers Immune

The immune system protects the body from infection and disease. If you want to have a strong immune system, should not be too often eat foods below. You see, some of these foods known to lower the immune system, as quoted Livestrong.

* Red meat
Red meat is one of the main sources of saturated fat, which if consumed in excess can increase the risk of high blood cholesterol, type 2 diabetes and other diseases due to immune decline.

The experts from the Cleveland Clinic suggested to reduce or avoid saturated fat sources such as hot dogs, pork sausage, salami, bacon, chops, and red meat.

* Margarine and butter
Margarine contains trans fats which can damage heart health and immune system. Dr. David Katz, Director of the Yale Prevention Research Center in Connecticut states that trans fats can lead to inflammation. This makes the immune system can not provide proper protection and good for the body. For this reason, change butter and margarine with vegetable oils such as olive and canola oils to strengthen the immune system.

* High-fat dairy products
Dairy products which have a high fat content is a source of saturated fat. Cleveland Clinic recommend to choose milk, yogurt, cheese, or other low-fat to provide benefits for the immune system.

* Excessive consumption of sugar
Excessive consumption of sugar to 8 tablespoons per day can reduce the ability of white blood cells to destroy bacteria by 40%. This effect could be felt 30 minutes after being swallowed up to 5 hours. Sugar intake from candy, colorful cereals, syrups, jams, jellies, cakes, and biscuits.

However, several factors can indeed inhibit and reduce the immune system such as stress, lack of sleep, smoking, poor eating habits and lack of exercise, and other medical conditions. Children and parents also have lower immunity. After all, there's no harm in avoiding some foods earlier. Why not eat fruits and vegetables are more healthy?

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