Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Beta-Carotene, Vitamins for Eye Health

Beta-carotene is a carotenoid, a pigment of plants that are known to have antioxidant and other effects. This substance is rapidly converted into vitamin A by the body. Beta-carotene is often considered a form of vitamin A itself, but actually not. Have normal levels of vitamin A in is the key to good vision, immune system strong and healthy in general.

Beta-carotene is popular because of its antioxidant properties, so it can protect cells from damage. Numerous studies show that people who eat lots of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin beta-carotene and other minerals reduce the risk of some cancers and heart disease. But so far studies have not found whether beta-carotene in supplement form has the same health benefits.

Beta-carotene supplements may help people with certain health problems. Supplements can be used for someone who is deficient in vitamin A. There is some promising evidence that beta-carotene supplements may slow osteoarthritis. Taking beta-carotene along with zinc, vitamin C and vitamin E may also help reduce damage to the retina due to age, the leading cause of blindness in the elderly.

Beta-carotene supplements have been studied as a treatment for many other diseases. For example: cataracts, Alzheimer's disease, and cystic fibrosis. The result is quite convincing.


There is no specific limit for intake of beta-carotene. Research generally using doses ranging between 15 and 180 milligrams per day. High doses or prolonged use can be dangerous. Many experts recommend a combination of carotenoids or additional organic pigments (lutein, carotene, zeaxanthine, lycopene, etc.), not just beta-carotene alone. Appropriate dose for the use of temporary or long term remains unclear.

The American Heart Association recommends that dietary intake of beta-carotene (and other antioxidants) obtained from foods rather than supplements. Food sources that contain beta-carotene, namely:
1. carrots
2. sweet potatoes
3. Winter squash
4. Spinach and kale
5. Fruits such as melons and apricots

Beta-carotene content of most high in fruits and vegetables fresh. In the form of canned or frozen is generally less abortion.

side effects

When consumed in amounts found in food, beta-carotene has a very mild side effects. At high levels, can change the skin becomes yellowish or orange. But this is temporary and harmless.

Beta-carotene supplements seem to have serious risks. People who smoke or exposed to asbestos should not use beta-carotene supplements. Only low doses increase risk of cancer, heart disease, and can lead to death.

Excessive alcohol use combined with beta-carotene supplements may increase risk of heart disease and cancer. In high doses, vitamin A and beta-carotene can be toxic to the live

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