Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Benefits of Drinking Water At Wake Up

Some people sometimes have a habit to drink water when I was just waking up. This habit is proved to have many health benefits. What are the advantages of drinking water when you wake up?

Water needs to be consumed by different people, this is because it depends on several factors such as weight, gender, weather and also the activities done daily. For example, people who are physically active or live in hot climates, it needs more water.

It takes time, discipline and commitment to get used to consume water immediately after waking up, as this can provide some health benefits. Here are the benefits to be had, as quoted from the LIVESTRONG, Wednesday (07/09/2011), namely:

1. Increase energy
Consuming water in the morning can increase your metabolism, helping someone become more alert and feel fresher because of increased energy in the body.

This is because almost all parts of the body need water to work optimally, if the body is dehydrated will arise fatigue and lethargy that it becomes inefficient.

2. eliminates toxins
Drinking water in the morning will help relieve kidney function in terms of removing toxins and waste products (waste) from the body system. This is because at night the body does not obtain fluid intake.

3. Losing weight
Mara Z. Vitolins, a nutrition expert from Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center said that usually the body can not differentiate between hunger and thirst, drinking water consumption can therefore help distinguish it.

In addition, if a person drinks water when she was hungry to see a decrease in appetite thus helping you lose weight, and avoiding the consumption of other beverages high in sugar, aklori or caffeine.

To find out if your body well hydrated with water or adequate intake can be seen from the color of urine, normal urine color that is both clear and not dark yellow.

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