Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It's true Diseases Inherited?

Some diseases are known to be derived from parents to children. But really these diseases can be lowered to a child? And at what risk?

"The history of the family is increasingly known to have an important role in the diagnosis," said Dr Helen Stokes-Lampard from the Royal College of General Practitioners, as quoted from Dailymail, Tuesday (09/06/2011).

So far scientists have identified genes that could increase the risk of the 400 different conditions, such as cystic fibrosis and Parkinson's. But sometimes a disease is influenced by a combination of genetic and lifestyle.

To know is it true that these diseases can be passed down to his children and what percentage of likely risk of the disease such as:

High blood pressure
This condition is often known as the silent killer because it rarely shows symptoms and undiagnosed. And if left untreated, high blood pressure can increase the risk of stroke and heart disease. The experts said if one parent has high blood pressure, then the risk by 15 percent or more because it is influenced also by his lifestyle.

High cholesterol
High cholesterol levels are lowered in the family is called Familial Hypercholesterolaemia, because of changes in genes where the fat in the blood is not termetabolisme well.

If one parent has the condition then it is likely the risk by 50 percent, and when coupled with the presence of family members who have a history of heart then the risk is even greater. One way to find out is by genetic testing.

Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)
This condition terajdi if the body does not produce enough thyroid hormone. If you have a sister or mother with the condition the child at risk 20 times more likely to have the disease.

Bipolar disorder (bipolar disorder)
This condition is usually triggered by stress and chemical imbalances in the brain, but some cases also influenced by genetic factors. If parents have this condition then any children at risk by 10-15 percent. These conditions allow the existence of genetic factors, although there are other factors that affect.

If the first degree relatives such as children or siblings have tanap migraine accompanied by visual disturbances, then the risk by 1.9 times likely to suffer from migraines as well. But if an experienced migraine with visual disturbances, then genetic factors are less affected. Still other factors such as stress, hormones and dehydration can be a trigger.

Inflammation of the joints (arthritis)
Diseases such as arthritis because osteoartrithis very rare inherited condition associated with wear and tear on the joints. But if the conditions experienced by rheumatoid artrithis is caused by the immune system attacks the joints, then it is likely something to do with genetics.

Breast cancer and ovarian cancer
About 90 cancer cases a message is not inherited, although some cases are known due to damage to genes inherited. This condition indicates a person even though there is no history of cancer, he still needs to be vigilant and avoid any kind of trigger.

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