Saturday, September 3, 2011

Lumps in the body that is often mistaken Cancer

Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck often feel tired and sore in the area of ​​the neck and back can result from a variety of things, such as bacterial infection tuberculosis (lymphadenitis tuberculosis), other aspesifik germs from the mouth, ears, nose and chest (limfadenopathi), or malignancies called lymphomas (there are several types of lymphoma)

Symptoms can vary, if it is small it should have no complaints, if the complaint can be a big pressure, wedge, or a cosmetic uncomfortable / beautiful. In general, pain is relative depending on the cause, if the complaint of pain (pulsating or not) could have been due to acute infection, but often also happens that the lump is not painful.

In my opinion, in your case, should be consulted directly to the doctor. Do not be afraid to find out about your illness, because the faster you should know better for you.

At the time of later examination, the doctor should perform a thorough physical examination as well as telling you the history of the disease completely about what you experienced from the beginning. Thus, doctors can draw conclusions about various measures of disease diagnostics to know your illness.

Accordingly it is with treatment that may include a variety of laboratory tests, lung x-rays, head, teeth and oral cavity to the other. Hopefully my answers can help you.

If a lump is found naturally in the body, sometimes people will panic and worry about getting cancer. Though not always the case, because many other diseases are also characterized by a bump.

Reported from Dailymail, some diseases or health disorders that make up the lumps are as follows:

In the neck
Oil glands in this section are often clogged and swell, thus forming a lump called sebaceous cysts are not painful. These cysts will not develop into cancer and can be treated with local anesthetics, or antibiotics if the infection.

However, if very hard and is located on the side of the neck, the lump could also be suspected as a symptom of leukemia or Hodgkin's disease. While if it appears around the Adam's apple, the lump could indicate a thyroid disorder.

At the foot
Small bumps on legs that seemed dull and scaly skin are symptoms of dermatofibroma, which is triggered by minor injuries such as insect bites or thorn. Completely harmless, usually goes away by itself without having to be treated.

But if the lump started to bleed, itch and does not heal, then be suspected as an early symptom of skin cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma (a type of skin cancer) will be marked also with red spots yagn harden.

Lumps that appear in this section is often caused by blockage of glands in the hair follicle, or swelling of breast tissue during lactation. The blockage also causes swollen lymph glands accompanied by signs of infection.

Lump in armpit means the cancer if it feels soft to the touch, supple and soft. The lump is also going to hurt every time you drink alcohol.

On the wrist
Leakage of oil glands in the joints can cause ganglion cyst, which is characterized by swelling under the skin. This lump is painful and hamper the movement of the hand, so take the doctor's care to be cured with a 50 percent chance of recurrence.

Which should be suspected even if the lump where it does not hurt and continued to grow. Although rare in the wrist, such a lump may indicate cancer sarcoma or muscle.

In groin
Lump in the software can be caused by infection of the hair follicle or folliculitis, and can be fixed with antibiotics. Usually occurs because too often shave pubic hair, so hair follicles to weaken and grow into the skin.

The possibility of Hodgkin's disease should be anticipated if the lump clot and does not feel pain, and accompanied by other symptoms, ie, fever, sweating, fatigue and weight kehialangan ayng not known why.

In the ass
Lumps are most often found in the butt is hemorrhoids or haemorrhoid, which is swelling of blood vessels in the anus. Severity varies greatly, there can be alleviated simply by ointment to need surgery.

Although not particularly dangerous, but also often accompany hemorrhoids colon cancer. Consult a physician if it is accompanied by symptoms of hemorrhoids colon cancer, including fatigue, constipation and always wanted to defecate even though there is no stool to be expelled.

In the mouth
Swollen gums are often caused by stress or injury to the teeth, such as brush too hard. Local anesthesia or even the lozenge is usually powerful enough to relieve the pain that accompanies it.

Beware if the swelling is not cured within 10 days. If accompanied by white patches with a red dot in the middle, it is not impossible that the swelling caused by oral cancer.

In breast
Hormonal changes in women can cause cysts fibroadenoma, a tangible hard lumps like marbles under the skin with a size of up to 2.5 cm. As long as painless and does not continue to grow, these cysts are not dangerous and does not develop into cancer.

However, a study revealed that women who have more than one cyst had a higher risk for esophageal cancer. Because it is highly recommended to always check the condition of the breast to anticipate the possibility of breast cancer, although not having a cyst

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