Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Triggers Hearing of the Trivial Up Weight

The ear is the sense important to listen to all kinds of sound produced. But there are some things that are known to cause someone to lose his hearing either because problems are often considered trivial or serious problems such as serious illness.

Hearing loss is generally experienced by a person when he was getting older. At the age of 40s and 60s, hearing ability will be reduced drastically and about half experiencing hearing loss at the age of 80 years old.

Person's ability to hear is divided into four processes, namely:
1. External ear carry sound into the ear canal or middle ear.
2. The middle ear then transmit the sound through a series of small bones (called the hammer and anvil) to the inner ear, the bone was also define the sound vibrations into nerve impulses.
3. Inner ear vibrations will connect directly to the nerve endings that combine to form the auditory nerve.
4. Auditory nerve to transmit impulses to the brain to be analyzed so that it can know the meaning of the sound is heard.

If one process is interrupted, then one can not hear well. Here are some things that can disrupt a person's hearing, as quoted from Lifemojo, Thursday (08/09/2011), namely:

1. Exposed to loud noise or a continuous
The cause of a loud noise may come from noise in the workplace, machinery or power tools, factory workers therefore always advisable to use earplugs. Besides a very loud noise and sudden as a shot, firecracker or an explosion could create ruptured eardrum or damage the inner ear.

Voice loud music at concerts can also permanently damage hearing. The average decibel level of 110 rock show, this condition is hard enough to cause permanent damage after 15 minutes.

2. Using earphones or headphones
Listening to music through headphones or earphones can lead to changes in temporary or permanent hearing loss, hence reduce the volume and limit the time of use.

3. Accumulated wax
After a loud noise, then the accumulation of wax (wax) in the ear canal that can block the Eustachian tube is the second most common cause of hearing disturbance. This wax buildup will affect hearing and cause pain in the ear.

4. Ear infections
Temporary hearing loss can be caused by an ear infection which causes the lining of the middle ear to swell and cause a buildup of pus, hence the eardrum does not work properly and hearing decline.

5. Otosclerosis
This condition is a common hereditary disease in which new bone is located in one of the small bones in the middle ear, thus preventing the transmission of sound from normal bone in the eardrum to the inner ear.

6. Tumor
Tumors of the middle ear such as rhabdomyosarcoma, glomus tumors and cysts of the skin can make someone lose his hearing.

7. Ototoxic drugs
The use of ototoxic drugs such as some antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and chemotherapy can damage the functioning cochlea translate sound menajdi nerve impulses to the brain. This damage can be temporary and could be restored, but some are permanent.

8. Hay fever
Hay fever is an allergic reaction to pollen that causes nasal congestion which will cause problems in the Eustachian tube that allows the buildup of fluid in the middle ear and lead to hearing loss.

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