Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Yawning Width Could Chill Your Brain

Do not always assume that yawning is a sign of sleepiness or boredom. Could be, it's because your brain is very high temperature and needs to be cooled. And functions as the coolant evaporates and useful to health was not widely known.

Researchers from Princeton University, United States, found that if yawning with width can decrease the temperature of the brain and preventing the over-heating conditions.

Professor Andrew Gallup, the lead researcher, and colleagues conducted a study in the winter, with the request in 80 pedestrians at random to see pictures of people yawning.

Researchers assume evaporate could cool the brain, which at first seem counter-intuitive. Yawning cools the brain through heat exchange with cold air, which are drawn inside. However, this system will not work when the weather is hot.

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