Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Minus Plus Young Coconut Water

Many of the benefits of coconut water. But there is also a minus. Is it? Let us refer to.

In West Sumatra and Riau young coconut water is still soft shell can be taken as a preventive drug fever (after being mixed with chicken egg yolk), especially for small children

Indeed, just as much as 2% glucose sugar and less sodium and calcium minerals contained in coconut water. However, glucose water is endothermic (absorbs heat from the surrounding environment), resulting in cooling. Mainly to keep the seed oil did not die from the heat. Power would increase if cooling water is mixed with chicken egg yolk is also endothermic.

Metabolic disorders (exchange of substances) are to cause a fever (for those concerned hard sweat and urine) can disappear quickly if people managed to sweat profusely. This can be achieved by drinking coconut water mixed with chicken eggs. If it is used young green coconut water, do not need mention the added chicken eggs.

Addition of coconut water, especially the young coconut, is also capable of dissolving a rather concentrated toxins in the stomach, until the poison is reduced. Only the poison that is too concentrated (insecticide to kill myself, for example) is not possible diencerkannya. Substances contained in the old coconut water also glucose, but because
concentrated level has gone down only 1%, then the heat absorption is not too large. So, not used as a drug.

Impotence is usually more often caused by psychological factors. So, nothing to do with young coconut water. Coconut water is not good for use on the way, because it contains too much calcium, making it easier for the occurrence of muscle spasm and rapidly cause fatigue.

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