Saturday, September 17, 2011

Drinking coffee in the Night Can make people dream strange things

Dream consists of a variety of ideas, emotions, sensations or images that occur involuntarily in the mind when people sleep. And you know, drink coffee at night, especially close to bedtime can make people dream strange things. Why is that?

Most adults have at least 4-6 dreams per night, according to the study of dreams the University of California's Quantitative. Dreams usually occur during the phase of rapid eye movement sleep (rapid eye movement or REM), but also may occur in one or two hours before you wake up.

Drinking coffee in the Night Can make people dream strange things
Little research has been conducted to find out how caffeine affects sleep. It is known that caffeine in coffee can inhibit adenosine receptors in the brain. Adenosine is a substance that makes people feel sleepy or tired.

Caffeine also speeds up the central nervous system function, which increases breathing and heart rate so make people feel more energetic.

Both of these effects not only make people more difficult to fall asleep, but can also reduce the amount of sleep obtained while asleep. Lack of sleep time may increase the time spent in other stages of sleep, which may make people more often dreamed,

Three Powerful Methods sleep

The effect of caffeine is usually started within 30 minutes after consumption up to last for 14 hours, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. To prevent caffeine disturb your sleep, avoid consuming caffeine too close to bedtime.

The more caffeine you consume, the more likely you are having trouble sleeping. Generally, most people can consume about 200 milligrams of caffeine throughout the day without experiencing side effects, according to

In addition to consuming caffeine at night, dreams can also be influenced by a number of other factors. Stress, strong emotions, drugs, disease, alcohol, food or beverages are a few things that can affect dreams.

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