Thursday, September 15, 2011

Do not Drinking Lots of Water at once in One Time

Drinking enough is needed in order not to become dehydrated. But drinking too much can actually be harmful to the body. To avoid that too much to drink at one time.

Generally, excessive fluid intake runners experienced by athletes who consume too much water after attending a marathon race. In a survey published by the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that more than half the runners consume too much water.

"Recent studies have found the right guide is to use the signal arising from the thirst," said James Winger, MD, a sports medicine physician from the Loyola University Health System in Maywood, Illinois,

Over the last decade the advice given to runners is to consume the water every 1 miles or every 1 hour, whereas the level of sweat every person is different. Therefore the American College of Sports Medicine recommends a more individual advice, by estimated fluid loss through weight,

While Dr. Winger using techniques osmolality, if this value is increased 1-2 percent of the hypothalamus of the brain will send signals to the brain to tell someone to drink through the thirst.

If someone continues to ignore the thirst by drinking too much water can actually be harmful to the body. He is at risk of experiencing a decrease in blood sodium concentration or hyponatremia.

This condition can lead to swelling of the brain that causes confusion and even convulsions can cause death. This is because too much water that enters the body will cause problems in the brain cells.

"No one has ever experienced runners dying from dehydration during athletic competition, but about 0.3 percent of the runners was recorded as having hyponatremia," said Dr. Winger.

In addition the nature of water is easily absorbed, so in large quantities will increase blood volume. The impact will overload heart that pumps blood and the kidneys will filter it.

Should give time for the body to rest by not drinking directly in large quantities, drink 1-2 glasses first, let intervals of time and if still arise a new the thirst to drink again

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