Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Often a hurry When Bowel, may trigger Haemorrhoid

Defecation should be done in a relaxed atmosphere, if not want to get piles or hemorrhoids. Hurry to finish avoid passing stool this can lead to excessive tension on the anus, so easy to swollen blood vessels.

Piles or hemorrhoids are in medical terms is called hemorrhoids caused by dilation of the veins around the anus. The most common cause is excess pressure during straining, either during childbirth or defecating in the bathroom.

Some people frequent straining during bowel movements besart for various reasons. Actually would not be a problem if only done occasionally, but when it becomes a habit and is done every time the risk of hemorrhoid will be greater.

The cause of straining during defecation, among others, as follows:

1. In a hurry
The students who live in boarding houses would often have long lines in the bathroom, especially in the morning. These conditions are not ideal for Defecation, as if in a hurry then the pressure when pushing tend to be larger in order to quickly complete.

2. constipation
Constipation causes hard dirt out during defecation. Automatic pressure needed to extract greater, so people who suffer from constipation will push with a very strong impact on the increased risk of getting hemorrhoids.

3. diarrhea
Although contrary to constipation, diarrhea or too frequent Defecation can also make sufferers straining during Defecation. Despite frequent Defecation, usually of liquid feces that comes out and only a little, so people tend to be impatient and push to complete the Defecation so as not to have to come out in a toilet.

To prevent problems Defecation can trigger these hemorrhoid, a healthy diet is highly recommended. Eating enough fiber and drinking lots of water will make the stool consistency or form to be more lenient, so that Defecation can be more smoothly and orderly.

there are two types of hemorrhoid based on the location of the swelling that occurs.

1. External hemorrhoid.
External hemorrhoid covered by skin and can not be included. This type of hemorrhoid is always outside, does not always lead to complaints and cause bleeding.

2. internal Hemorrhoid
Hemorrhoid in the mucous membrane covered by the first stage of bleeding during bowel movements, no pain and fresh blood (fresh red color).

Apart from the problem of Defecation, hemorrhoid can also be triggered by other factors such as vaginal birth sometimes forcing someone to push very strongly. Piles can also be triggered by anal intercourse, because the penetration of a blunt object is also upward pressure on the rectal wall.

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