Sunday, September 25, 2011

Slender with Soy Milk

A glass of soy milk a day could actually remove the fat that accumulates in your stomach. In a study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility says the team studied 15 women who had menopause. Nine of the women were asked to consume 120 calories per day of soy milk, while the rest were given placebo.

After running three-month study, found no significant difference in weight of the 15 women. However, the scanning process to find those who consumed soy milk amount of fat in their bellies dropped significantly.

Researchers from the U.S. Women's Reproductive Health Organization said the study was very important for women. Because generally after menopause, they encounter problem of fat in the abdomen.

Moreover, abdominal fat is considered more harmful to heart disease and diabetes compared with fats that are in other body parts.

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