Sunday, October 30, 2011

Breast cancer not need surgery

DO NOT be discouraged if you are known to have breast cancer. If found since the early stages, breast cancer patients make a full recovery and do not need to be removed entirely.

The world seemed to collapse. Maybe once a woman's feelings if convicted doctor had breast cancer. Women with breast cancer detected was as indifferent and ignore medical action should be executed.

There are also many who eventually choose alternative medicine as a way out. In fact, if found at an early stage and performed a precise and accurate treatment, breast cancer can be cured and the beauty of the breast can be maintained.

Once convicted of breast cancer, patients typically experience fear. Fear of surgery, fear of losing their breasts, fear not attractive anymore, afraid to be left a husband, and others. In this case, support from family is very important.

Cancer is an abnormal growth of cells out of control, constantly, can damage the local network, and can spread to distant places of origin. Cancer cells can be grown or derived from any type of cell in the human body.

Generally, every human being has a mechanism to repair the damage that occurs in the body. Causative factor of breast cancer also increases with age.

The causes are multifactorial. Until now not known exactly what causes breast cancer.

For symptoms, said Saptadi, the most obvious is that there is a small lump in the armpit or around the breast. Generally tasteless lump nyeri.Kalau been staged already high mean pain.

Surgical removal of tissue, it is the main procedure in the case of solid cancers such as breast cancer. However, not always the breast should be removed completely or perform a mastectomy.

For breast cancer that is still in early stages, namely 0, 1, and 2, can be done surgically while still maintaining a network of breast cancer or also called breast conserving surgery (BCS).

Through this operation, the breast is not removed completely. Area around the breast such as nipple and areola can be maintained.

For the choice of BCS measures have a number of requirements, namely the size of the cancer cells are not more than 3 centimeters, the size comparison of the proportion of breast tumors and adequate, and the location of the tumor is located on the edge of the breast. For those that have been detected in locally advanced stage, namely 3A and 3B, the patient must undergo radiotherapy and chemotherapy first.

This measure is intended to reduce, eliminate, and inhibits cancer cell growth. After that just can run the surgical removal of the breast.

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