Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Psychological Disorders Make People Bankrupt

PROBLEM psychological greatly affect a person's life. Not only the impact on the mental, psychological disorders also make a person bankrupt. How so?

New Scientist magazine has published a list of the most popular mental disorders are a major source person becomes bankrupt. The first condition is anxiety, followed by insomnia and depression.

Approximately 165 million people or 38 percent of all EU citizens, visiting the doctor to complain of mental and neurological problems. At the same time, the treatment of such diseases in Europe is much more expensive than treating other diseases.

Experts estimate the Europeans who have spent a lot of money to treat more than 100 diseases, such as sleep disorders in a systematic, psychosis, migraine, and dementia.

According to these results, treatment of one of Europe cost more than 1,500 euros per year. This condition is two times higher than in 2005. Thus quoted from Genius Beauty.

Experts predict that the Europeans will spend more money for the treatment of depression, increased anxiety, or dementia.

Experts have urged EU governments to fund programs related to studying diseases of the nervous system and a more active life.

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