Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Treating low blood pressure

Treating low blood pressure - Do you know the herbal plants komfrey? Komfrey which has a chemical content symphytine, echimidine, anadoline, pyrrolizidine alkaloids (Pas), tannins, essential oils, allatonin and vitamins B1, B2, C and E, is an herbaceous plant that thrives in the bushes in the fields.

The benefits of herbal plants komfrey lots one of which is an herbal remedy for low blood pressure. How to use than can be used directly as a salad, could also be on the juice, how to prepare 4 fresh bay leaves, then the juice, juice drink, for 2 times.

Low blood pressure side effects

Treating low blood pressure
Another way is: leaves 4 slices boiled with 4 cups of water until the remaining: glasses, drinking water 2 times a day.

Another way to overcome low blood pressure is by using red spinach.

Red spinach are considered more nutritious than spinach green. But if you have trouble finding the red amaranth, spinach green also does not hurt to be used as a natural remedy low blood.

Wash the spinach as much as 3 handheld, then mash until smooth. Add one tablespoon of lemon juice, then strain. Next, add 1 tablespoon of honey and a chicken egg yolk and stir until blended.

Quick headache remedies

Further treatment can be done twice a week until healed. This treatment is very potent and rapidly raise your blood pressure. Hopefully useful!

Patients with blood uric acid levels are high enough and rheumatic gout (read : natural herbal remedies for gout) prohibited from consuming too much spinach because spinach contains a fairly high purine. In the body, will be metabolized purines into uric acid.

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