Friday, October 21, 2011

Spices Lowering Your Body Weight

Spices Lowering Your Body Weight - Actually all around us a lot of material that can be used as a medicine and supplements. Take, for example spices. Than useful as a tonic can also reduce your weight. What are they?

1. cardamom
Cardamom is a thermogenic herb. Cardamom is used in the digestion process because it is soothing and antispasmodic. Antipasmodik is a drug used to treat spasms of the gastrointestinal tract which may be caused by diarrhea, gastritis, peptic ulcer and so on.

Research has shown that cardamom can be used in the process of digestion, including weight loss.

 2. nettle
Nettles high nutrient content the nutritional value because it contains vitamin C, vitamin E and minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, silica and potassium. Common nettle used for healing of bone, muscle and tendon injuries.

Now nettles are believed to help cleanse toxins and gives the effect on weight loss in ways that are not yet understood. But nettles are considered helpful by feeding the cells at a certain level. In addition nettle tea is also beginning to be used to suppress appetite and reduce cravings.

3. fennel
Fennel has diuretic properties that reduce hunger and increase energy. How: 4 tsp fennel seeds boiled in 2 quarts boiling water and boil for five minutes. Let it cool by not closing the container. After that strain and the consumption of three to four times a day.

4. Red pepper and other hot spices

Scientists have found that people who take spicy foods can raise the metabolic rate by up to 25 percent. Hot spices also stimulates thirst so that consume more water. The amount of fluid that enters the body can help weight loss

Let's make it a habit to always rely on a healthy life for traditional medicine to survive, fresh every day

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