Sunday, October 30, 2011

Treating Varicose

Treatment of varicose veins and healing techniques there are several kinds. For example the following ways:

Taking supplements that can strengthen blood vessel walls and keelastisannya.

Using elastic stockings to the thigh that can help suppress the veins.

Sclerotherapy is entering a kind of saline solution into the blood vessel dilation.

Endovenous Laser Therapy is treating varicose veins by inserting a wire into a blood vessel. Wire is inserted from the knee to the groin and then made warming.

Surgery is usually done for the case of an already severe.

Varicose veins are a problem for women because the majority of cases happen to a woman. But, that does not mean it can not be prevented, even if varicose veins are caused by hereditary factors. With the consumption of good food and lifestyle is right, you can prevent varicose veins appear on your body.

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