Monday, October 10, 2011

Washing your hands can provide a powerful psychological effect

Washing your hands can provide a powerful psychological effect of 'cleansing' negative feelings. Similarly, a study suggests.

Researchers from the University of Michigan United States Spike Lee says that by washing hands or bathing, a person will be free from feelings of immorality, feeling disadvantaged or doubts about the decision-making.

Washings with water were considered to eliminate the residual effect of previous experience. But this applies only to negative experiences. As for the positive will not affect anything.

Washing your hands can provide a powerful psychological effect
The effect will not always happy. Washing hands after remembering positive events can actually limit the warmth that arises from the happy memories and the result is the feeling dissatisfied.

The study was conducted by asking a group of volunteers located in a different space, a clean room and other rooms dirty.

After that they asked to recall the immoral behavior they once did in the past, then assessed the level of guilt using psychological tests.

Next each participant to wash hands with antiseptic solution and a test aimed at testing their good deeds.

The results showed that the group who live in a dirty room feel more guilty than those who are in a clean room.

While they are out of the room clean and wash your hands, the results of psychological tests showed a lack of willing to help others and as if nothing ever felt guilt. The important is prevention more better than cure.

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