Sunday, October 30, 2011

Simple How to Prevent Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is not curable, but can be controlled to slow bone loss and increase bone density to prevent fractures and reduce pain.

Here are a few simple steps are easy to do:
- Apply a healthy diet and nutritional balance.

- Get used to drinking milk regularly to keep bones dense. Milk is one of the best food ingredients calcium for bones among other sources of calcium - a teaspoon of milk contains 50 mg of calcium.
- Avoid sitting too long while doing a job. If you do not have time to exercise, perform light activities such as stretching or walking in place to stretch your muscles.

- Time to exercise even if only briefly, or multiply the other physical activity such as walking.

- Familiarize exposed to sunlight in the morning - for activating vitamin D (under the skin) to facilitate the absorption of calcium in the body - before 09.00 and evenings after 15.00. When exposed to sunlight, vitamin D becomes active and turns into vitamin D3. Active form of vitamin is useful to the bone.

- Avoid too strict diet (fad diet). Make sure the intake of calcium and vitamin D remain fulfilled.

- Be aware of several factors that have negative effects on bone including less weight (too skinny), eating disorders, weight loss is wrong, and impaired absorption of lactose.

- To have maintained bone density, reduce bad habits such as smoking, excessive salt intake and consume coffee, alcohol and soft drinks.

Meet Calcium Adequacy

"In addition to prevention, which need attention in order to avoid osteoporosis is to fill the adequacy of calcium and vitamin D as a child," advises Dr.. Fiastuti Witjaksono, SpGK, Clinical Nutrition specialists from the Faculty of Medicine University. According to him, for the productive age (19-50 years), the adequacy of calcium that must be met is 1000 mg per day and for vitamin D is 200 IU (international units).

Sources of vitamin D can be obtained from salmon, mackerel, fish oil, milk, cheese, eggs, margarine. Consumption also nuts, tofu, tempeh, and green vegetables as a source of calcium.

In addition to balanced nutrition, to maintain bone health, it is also necessary protein intake - around 10-15 percent of total calories eaten. "Protein deficiency can lead to risk of brittle bones (fractures) and a negative effect on the process of healing from a broken bone," Dr. pedestal. Fiastuti.

When Not Doyan Milk

The best source of calcium exists in milk. But, what if Moms do not like to drink milk? No problem! Fiastuti doctors recommend to keep eating dairy in other forms, such as:
- Make extra food or snacks using powdered milk such as pudding, Skotel, and so on.
- Create a cream soup with extra milk.
- Add the milk to the chocolate drink.
Eat dessert of milk products like ice cream, yogurt, pastries.
- Add the yogurt to the fruit is consumed.

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