Thursday, October 27, 2011

Prayer can relieve anger

Pray that has many benefits. Recent studies released in the U.S. and the Netherlands found that prayer can relieve emotional, lowering agersif attitudes, and reduce the impact of provocation.

The fact was revealed Brad Bushman, a professor of communication and psychology from Ohio State University who examined the power behind prayer. "We found that prayer can help a person cope with his anger," said Professor and author of the study.

The study, also published in Personality and Social Psycology Bulletin, says that those who perform prayer activity, can help control anger. Regardless of any religion.

The impact that we found in this experiment is large enough, the results show prayer can really be an effective way to calm anger and aggression.

When anger arises, muscles become tense and the brain releases chemicals that can cause an explosion of energy. This condition triggers the heart beat faster, raises blood pressure, breathing becomes faster, increasing blood flow to the arms, legs and face that makes it red.

When the praying is done, usually people will become more calm and breathing will be run more regularly. This condition is positive and the body becomes more relaxed so the impact on controlling emotions.

Although this activity is often considered to be wind sheer, but it turned out to pray to have tremendous benefits. Therefore, do not be lazy to pray.

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